military heritage


God Bless Our Troops!!!
I was looking through the family tree and this is my immediate family miltary heritage

Uncle Bob USN 1953-1956
Uncle Ed USA 1946-1949
Uncle Clifford USA Korea (damn proud old vet!)
Uncle James USMC/USAF (Retired USAF LTC after an enlisted stint in the corps) retired 2008
Cousin Jason USAF AD
Cousin Phillip USAF 1983-1996
Me USAF 1985-2006 Retired

David Hagen USA WWII (KIA) buried in the Netherlands
Ronald Hagen USA Korea (MIA)
Craig Hagen USA Vietnam (MIA)

The military didn't seem to be a choice for me it was the only logical choice in a long proud line of vets and their service legacy

What about you???
I tell people but they dont beleive it:
Me Retired Master Chief, US Navy
My Father was in the Air Force - But was in the Canadian Essex Scottish Brigade during WWII before America got in the fight. Anyway he was at Diepe Beach. Was captured. Escaped and ran the streets for 4 years working with the restistance, teaching, killing etc. He wasnt so "right" when he got back :(
My Great Grandfather (I'm now over 50) who was in the Civil War as a captain.
His grandfather was a Captain in the militia during the war for independence.
I know this cause my dads sisteer was a teacher at NYU Regents, she taught geneology and did a whole thesis on this.
I wasn't able to join the military myself (a bum pancreas limits your options), but my grandfather was in the army during WWII, apparently defending Alaska from the Japanese attack that never came. My stepfather (for lack of a better term) was USAF EOD back in the early 80s. My older brother was a medic in the 1st Armored Division in the late 90s. My crazy uncle (actually a first cousin, once removed) flew rescue helicopters in Vietnam.
My father joined the US Army spent his several years and then got out.
WWII came along and he re-joined but this time in the Navy. He was a gunner on Liberty Ships. I recently was watching something on TV about these gunners and it was rated one of the most dangerous jobs in WWII.
After WWII and they created the Air Force (My father was a private pilot) he switched over to the Air Force.
He became an E-9 (Chief Master Sgt.) and was Crew Chief on B-52's working for Strategic Air Command (SAC).
He retired with 24 years

His Brother during WWII was in the Marines and was very badly wounded in the left shoulder in the pacific theater, but lived. He went on to be a successful salesmen in the garment industry.

I have an ancestor that was in Texas fighting the Mexicans and was marched across the desert after being captured.

I'm sure I had relatives in the civil war (Since the old homestead was in N.C.)

Now as for me.. As Festus said..
I was thinking about my father's and Uncles service and they covered the Army, Navy, Air Force & Marines..
So I joined the Coast Guard (Reserves).
Between the three of us, we covered all of the services, mostly thanks to my dad covering 3 of them.
Military Heritage

- Paternal Grandfather- AEF; Meuse- Argonne 1918; wounded (gassed & shot) survivor
- Maternal Great Grandfather - AEF; Officer, Army Corp. of Engineers - comms & electricity maintainance on Western Front; wounded in artillery attacks, survived
- Wifes Maternal Grandfather - AEF; Chateau Thierry, Soissons - severely wounded by phosgene gas, survived

- Uncle David - USMC; Guam, Iwo Jima - survived uninjured
- Uncle Dick - US Army - Germany, late 1944 - 45, Battle of the Bulge - survived uninjured
- Uncle Martin - USN - Pacific, 1944-45; GM3 on USS Eversole (sunk by Japanese sub), GM3 on USS Rooks - injured twice, survived

- Me - USCG - USCGC Morganthau, USCGC Pt. Marone - Vietnam 1969 - 70, lightly wounded, survived

I am still amazed and thankful that all of us survived - I know far too many families that were much less fortunate. I daily think all of those who gave their lives for our great country and the awfulness of armed conflict.
Tried to do this last night during the storm,lost connection. So once again.....
Isaac Walker,Great great great great ( you get the idea),Jacobite Wars,Scotland,American Revolution.
Samuel Walker,Texas Rangers,US Cavalry,KIA battle of Hua Mantla, Mexico.Mexican War.
Daddy,WWII,US Army, T-4,tank driver,North Africa & Europe.
Brother,US Army,Retired LTC. Artillery
Me,US Army,Field Artillery Surveyor,SGT,1 hitch and out.Thank goodness.

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