Military Concealed Carry in CA


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Hey every one. I just want some input/ answers about concealed carry in CA. I'm currently a member of the armed forces on active duty, a resident of Nevada, and stationed in California. What do I need to do to carry a concealed weapon LEGALLY in California? Will California accept my CCW from Nevada if I'm a member of the armed forces, or do i have to obtain a California CCW in order to carry here? The pistol on my CCW is a 1911 .45 ACP.

California doesn't recognize CCWs from other states. You will need to get a CCW (good luck) from the sheriff of the county where you are residing.
It appears you can't bring a handgun into CA without first registering it with the state and, of course pay a fee to do so.:angry:
For a few more CA firearm laws go here: Link Removed

Having a privately owned firearm on a military base is a whole different matter altogether.
bronco pretty much nailed it, good luck. I'm afraid there isn't much hope for you in Ventura County. From what I hear the local police chief is anti-gun for non-LEO's.
and it has to have the stamp on it "This product is known to the State of California to cause death and reproductive harm"

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