Deffinetly Nay.
There is only one company that has developed the technology for microstamping, so you have no-bid contracts there. Plus, according to several experts, it doesn't work very well. Then you have the ability to file the firing pin slightly, to get rid of the etching. Plus, gun manufacturers will have to jack up the prices on thier product to offset the cost of the new equipment. And I've seen interviews with forensic analyists saying: it's not matching the case with the gun, that is the hard part, it's matching the gun with the Bad Guy.
It's a ridiculous proposition, everyone in the business knows it is stupid. It's just one more way to take your God Given rights away, and disarm the public. They don't have to take the right away, if they can just make you jump through hoops, and pay out the a** to own a firearm.
Who is going to hold the Elite accountable, if we can't even defend ourselves?