Sorry about the response delay, I was trying to come up with some good responses
Again, the definition of proselytize being to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte, I just don't see how this fits that description. If I want to convert someone to my religion, I can think of a couple better ways than to print scripture on an instrument that I intend to kill them with.
In the strictest definition, having a religious symbol on something is not the same as sending out missionary's out to different countries, or having someone go door to door trying spred the "good news". However, just having the symbol (no matter what the symbol is) in plain view, and making the symbol a common occurance will have an effect on a subconcious level. If you start seeing some sign around, even if it is completely against your beliefs, or even if it totally goes against your constitution (say for instance anti-gun signs/areas), after your initial shock, you will eventually become complacent about seeing it. Once that happens then more and more of the masses will start to accept that maybe that since no one is opposing the sign/symbol then it must be okay.
As previously stated, this is already happening. They already do believe that this is a holy war. Perhaps they would use this as "evidence" of us waging war against their religion. But removing the inscription doesn't remove their belief.
This is also true, I'm sure they will hate us no matter what we do, no matter how much money we dump into their country, how much food we give them, how many schools we give them... Right now they have bonded together under a religous mindset (and I'm sure we can agree that a persons personal beliefs/religion is a very deep rooted mindset. Even if there is no logic or proof to support such beliefs, some people will still drink the kool-aid), so since they have become religious fanatics (from an outsiders point of view), then why give them any ammunition to use against us. "Ah ha, See those americans are trying to use their god to attack our god" (or some crap like that).
I don't have actual statistics, but I'm willing to bet it is more than just a few individuals. Certainly not all of our personnel, but the majority to be sure.
I dont know the actual number either. However I do know that when I was in the only jewlry that was allowed to be worn was wedding rings, and religious symbols. And the latter had to be covered, and not visible in uniform.
Nope, no offense taken. Nothing personal. In fact, I myself am not wildly, outwardly religious, meaning I don't often engage in deep religious discussion or judge others who do not share my beliefs. I have my beliefs, but they are mine, and surely are not exactly the same as anyone elses. And to each his own. But this isn't really about religion to me. It's about some group always needing find something to bitch about. Usually religion is the target, but personal behaviors, habits, and ideas are all targets of this nonsense. It is just mind numbingly tiresome.
Agreed, and since every one has just a little bit different belief especially when it comes to religion, it is the easiest thing to use to cause contriversy.