Michigan weapons company Trijicon


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Michigan weapons company Trijicon takes flak over soldiers' rifle scopes branded with Bible verses
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OH Good Grief, Get outa my face... screaming Idiots,.,., :mad:
What bloody difference does it make if it saves a life....
The LibTards object to God. You don't see to many LibTards joining the armed forces.
Our troops need every edge to come back home in one piece.
the optics listed in the article has this JN8:12 stamped into it, "an apparent reference to John 8:12, which says, "Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.""

Now I dont usually care much for religion at all however, this is a pretty cool little slogan that fits for there optics. Plays pretty good with the fiber optic sights never needing batteries, so you will never have a dark recticle.

And since it is just stamped with JN8:12, I wouldnt have picked up on it being any kind of biblical reference in the first place. just some code that the manufacturer decided to stick on it. No big deal, the company(Trijicon) could have easily just ignored the allegations, and noone would have been the wiser, it would have blown over as one of those urban ledgends. But, now they have skylined themselves with possible negative implications, such as removing the enscription, and having to replace all of the optics that are currently out there, to even possibly losing their govt contract. Both of which are going to cost the company money, which in turn could be passed down to the consumer by means of increased price for the optics.
The liberals on the bus go waa waa waaa...

How the heck does that little code of scripture "endanger" troops? If this hadn't hit the media no one, especially the enemy, would have even known about it. Like a few letters and numbers are going to make things worse for our troops. Let's OVERREACT to EVERYTHING. if the aholes want to call something a jihad, they don't need an excuse, they'll just do it.
The liberals on the bus go waa waa waaa...

How the heck does that little code of scripture "endanger" troops? If this hadn't hit the media no one, especially the enemy, would have even known about it. Like a few letters and numbers are going to make things worse for our troops. Let's OVERREACT to EVERYTHING. if the aholes want to call something a jihad, they don't need an excuse, they'll just do it.

+1. In case no one has noticed I think they already consider it a jihad.
Christians are crusaders,,, muslims are the jihadist,,,lets get our facts straight. And yes they are already calling us crusaders. I hope the inscriptions make our boys aim small and miss small. Good for Trijicon. And if you are opposed to this type of mission statement read Hodgdon powder company's mission statement. I personally would rather do business with a company that has this type of commitment to our Lord.
The Crusades was Europe's response to INVASION by muslims.

This whole sight thing is a complete non-issue.

I suspect some low rating reporters are just trying to get a boost.

If the armed forces object to this code, let them find someone else. I suspect Trijicon's patent is airtight.
you may want to ease up on the slander, just because one objects to believing in invisible entities in the sky, does not neccessarly make them liberal.
The thing is, no one is objecting to anyone believing in anything. They are objecting to a group of numbers and letters. Do those characters stand for something? Trij has apparently acknowledged that they do. But so what? If that equates to our soldiers proselytizing (defined as "to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte"), then so would wearing a cross or carrying a bible.
i highly doubt that these numbers are going to make our boys an even bigger target. and these letters on the acogs dont mean squat to me. they make a damn good optic and our boys use them well. this is just another reason for idiots to oppose guns and gun related items. and i dont really care about religion. its not going to stop me from buying their products. and if we really do have the freedom of religion, then why are they bitching in the first place about this. i wonder if the people who brought this into the light are christian or not. im guessing they are not. its people like this that ruin things for the many of us that actually like the freedoms that we have left.

liberals are good at crying like children at the playground. but when things go their way, nothing gets done, but we end up paying for their views on how society in America should be. In the end, they'll get whats coming to 'em. I'll get mine, Aye sir.
I wish they had stuck to their guns. No pun intended. I wonder if things would be different if the owner was still alive. Guess the contract was just way to big to chance losing.
Well I wonder what they are going to do with all the surplus product. Maybe they should have a big sell. Call it the Crusades sale. I could use a few new sights. :biggrin:
The thing is, no one is objecting to anyone believing in anything. They are objecting to a group of numbers and letters. Do those characters stand for something? Trij has apparently acknowledged that they do. But so what? If that equates to our soldiers proselytizing (defined as "to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte"), then so would wearing a cross or carrying a bible.

All I was refering to was a previous post where someone mentioned something to the effect of, this must have been brought about by someone who rejects god, and therefore must be a liberal retard (libtard I believe was the exact word). I was trying to make the point that just because someone does not believe in god, nor does a person want religious refferences on merchandise that they buy, this should not automatically label them as a "Libtard".

If a company wants to include semi elusive refferences to religion, then they should have that right to. However, they should also offer the same model without the religious message. Especially for a military/govt contract. I believe the reason that the anti proselytizing law is in effect is because our govt/military does not have a missionary type mission statement. Our govt does not send our military in to spred the word of god, or any other religious message. Nor should it, ever.

It is because of our freedom of religious choice that individual members of our military are allowed to wear religious medallions, or carry religious reading materials on their person. So in effect by issuing equipment to our military that does contain a religious message this does take away from an individuals right to choose what religion or any religion or no religion. Thus turning our military and our govt from a nation that should be advocating and protecting peace, to just another religious sect that thinks that its religious beliefs are better than someone elses. So we now could be looked at, from an outside source, as just another fanatical religious govt trying to oppress someone elses beliefs, because we think our invisible man in the sky is bettery than their invisible man in the sky.

wrapping up, and going back to my main point, that I dont care if a company wants to have an option to imprint a particular phrase onto its merchandise, but if it is religious in nature, then it should also offer the same merchandise without the religious message. Or an even better idea would be to make it customisable to have any slogan you wanted engraved on it.
All I was referring to was a previous post where someone mentioned something to the effect of, this must have been brought about by someone who rejects god, and therefore must be a liberal retard (libtard I believe was the exact word). I was trying to make the point that just because someone does not believe in god, nor does a person want religious references on merchandise that they buy, this should not automatically label them as a "Libtard".
Very well, point taken. Non the less, I'd be willing to make a wager as to the political persuasion of the complainant.
I believe the reason that the anti proselytizing law is in effect is because our govt/military does not have a missionary type mission statement. Our govt does not send our military in to spread the word of god, or any other religious message. Nor should it, ever.
Agreed, however I still don't understand how this equates to proselytizing. It's numbers and letters (which don't even construct words) right along side of some other numbers and letters that are printed on the side of optical equipment. Damn good optical equipment by the way, which has had these characters printed on them for 30 years. How long has our military been using them? (I don't know that answer) We're just now getting upset over it? How sad is it that we would throw away such a great product (arguably the BEST if the military has chosen it in the first place) over something so minor that it could be addressed with a Dremel tool if the individual chose to do so.
It is because of our freedom of religious choice that individual members of our military are allowed to wear religious medallions, or carry religious reading materials on their person...

...So we now could be looked at, from an outside source, as just another fanatical religious govt trying to oppress someone else's beliefs.
By that logic, how is this practice any less questionable? Through propaganda, I am sure that the enemy is convinced that the Bibles and crosses that many of our military personnel choose to carry are actually issued by our government. Just as any rational party knows that to be untrue, they also know that our government didn't require the engraving or make the contract choice based on that feature.
Or an even better idea would be to make it customizable to have any slogan you wanted engraved on it.
Again, I can hardly believe that there isn't a Dremel tool floating around somewhere in Afghanistan. If someone doesn't like it there, it isn't that hard to get rid of.