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With a classic name like Coldbeer lol
what is a u.a?????????/If you are on a controlled substance that is akin to Heroin, why would you even wish to carry? If you have to give a U.A. after an incident do you wish to wind up in court with a positive U/A? How are you even able to drive? It is obvious that I have too much time on my hands if I am replying to this “Trollish” baiting.
Or he can lie, which would be a crime. I wouldn't approve him.Question 11 – E on the current ATF Form 4473 is as follows:
Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?
ATF Form 4473
Since your answer would appear to be yes I'm going to guess that there will be some negative effects WRT getting a CHP
My, neighbor, a retired LEO, became addicted to pain meds following a bad OTJ injury and several spinal surgeries. Methadone was considered a substitute to break the habit. Her husband says that ever since she acted much differently.Bull that is a lie methadone taken like prescribed has very little side effects and had none that effect your mind at worst you may be drowsy at first when u start taking it, it couldnt effect anyones abillity to carry a firearm if they are taking like there prescribed
My, neighbor, a retired LEO, became addicted to pain meds following a bad OTJ injury and several spinal surgeries. Methadone was considered a substitute to break the habit. Her husband says that ever since she acted much differently.
Last Saturday she put a bullet in her own head. 50 yrs old. May God bless her.
Ok first the question on the 4473 is ARE you not WHERE you! "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" if your NOT using a illegal drug or addicted to one then you can answer no on the 4473. He is NOT using heroin so the first part is ok. He is on a prescription drug under the care of a doctor ( methadone for treating heroin is the most regulated drug in the USA) so he is not addicted to anything as he is now in treatment so the second part of the question is also ok to answer no to. Unless your were addicted does not count unless of course you got a record from it. Next a PRESCRIBED drug is not a ILLEGAL drug thus not reportable on the 4473. Next Methadone used to help people WITHDRAW form heroin as it mimics the heroins dependency effect without "high" part. People addicted to heroin only enjoy it for the first month or so. After that they become dependent on it Ie they can not function without it as they will go through a few days to a week or more of very bad withdraw. Addicts for any amount of time do not take the drug to get "high" they take it to get to where normal used to be. Taking PRESCRIBED drugs does not prevent you from obtaining a permit in any state that I know of as it is not illegal.Or he can lie, which would be a crime. I wouldn't approve him.
It's not a NY thing, it's an addiction thing. Check fed case law. The drug is a schedule-II narcoticand has repeatedly been used to prove the existence of the addiction. If the user is not an addict then they can stop methadone treatment. Any drug counselor will tell you,,, there is no such thin g as an ex-addict.Not sure if what your saying is a NY thing or what. Methadone as a prescribed treatment does not qualify as addiction. Thus one on methadone can legally affirm they are not addicted to any substance or taking any illegal substances. I have seen several examples. Not only on the 4473 but with state carry permits as well.
it is said that legal cigarettes are more addictive than crack or smack
and many have quit that addiction
best wishes to all addicted to harmful substances
Not sure if what your saying is a NY thing or what. Methadone as a prescribed treatment does not qualify as addiction. Thus one on methadone can legally affirm they are not addicted to any substance or taking any illegal substances. I have seen several examples. Not only on the 4473 but with state carry permits as well.
For rehab purposes I agree once a addict always a addict. However as I said once your on methadone your not a addict anymore as it is a prescription. The people I have delt with all agree on this. Once your in treatment your not addicted to a drug UNLESS you start taking no prescribed drugs again. The question on the 4473 is ARE you not where you. The medications prescribed to you by a doctor are privileged and not applicable to the 4473. As it is ILLEGAL for a doctor to prescribe a drug the patient is addicted to. Also Methadone has almost ZERO "intoxicating" effects for the majority of users.It's not a NY thing, it's an addiction thing. Check fed case law. The drug is a schedule-II narcoticand has repeatedly been used to prove the existence of the addiction. If the user is not an addict then they can stop methadone treatment. Any drug counselor will tell you,,, there is no such thin g as an ex-addict.
This is not my personal view this is what is TAUGHT at rehabs.i don't agree with once an addict, always and addict though it is rare, some folks quit and never look back be it cigarettes alcohol or illegal drugs like crack and smack