My lovely wife went out today and put a Glock 39 on layaway for me today. For those who are not familiar this is a sub-compact .45 GAP. Yeaaaaaa! Been a good boy all year Santa! :yu:
My lovely wife went out today and put a Glock 39 on layaway for me today. For those who are not familiar this is a sub-compact .45 GAP. Yeaaaaaa! Been a good boy all year Santa! :yu:
Very Cool!!...
Yea... Well… I couldn't wait that long. I'm like a Gynecologist with AIDS, I don’t have any patience!!!:blink:
I picked up my Smith & Wesson M&P 45acp on 10/21/09... Gotta love getting what you want...:sarcastic: It’s Christmas in October!!!
Nice,I have the Glock37 thinking about getting the Glock39 myself. Now you should get her the Glock26 like I'm getting mygirlfriend for christmas. 1 thing about the ammo its hard to find the Federal Premium Hydra-Shok 230 grain for it. If you find some let me know.