Measure Twice, Cut Once....


New member
.....just attempting to verify something before I head into 'bama tomorrow.

By looking at the AL thread I see that carry on a college campus is not allowed, but I don't see anything about church carry. That's probably because there's nothing there re: it, but I just want to make sure. I know, I know.....concealed means concealed...

I may be wrong but it is my understanding that college campus carry is allowed if your permit does not have a specific restriction saying otherwise. There are restrictions for schools (K through 12th grade). Alabama permits are issued by individual county sheriff's departments. Sheriffs may add restrictions to their permits but that can vary from county to county. Some counties do restrict university campus carry and other things such as carrying in restaurants that serve alcohol. An out of state permit recognized by Alabama will not have these county-specific restrictions.
yep, after some digging (why can't they just make it easier) it appears that it's ok unless a sheriff has prohibited it. Oh well, concealed means concealed.......@ church AND on campus.
Alabama is one state that does need some serious CCW law reform, IMHO.


Every time something new is posted in this forum you come by and do your 'Bama bashing. We get it, you don't like Alabama's laws but you don't live here and you don't have the foggiest idea of what you are talking about either.

Alabama is an example of how concealed carry permit issuing is supposed to work.

Yeah, it's not mandated that they HAVE to issue a permit without a good reason not to. It's not an issue here because the folks that are in charge of issuing the permits don't have the mindset that "No," is the stock answer unless somebody makes them do otherwise. Folks need shall issue permits when that is the case.

Instead of bashing something that you really don't have the slightest clue about, why don't you work -IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD- to rectify the situation you are in that necessitated a state law mandating the issuance of a concealed carry permit? Alabama has the issue well in hand as far as its' populace is concerned -whether you, SC or any other state in the Union likes it or not.
I guess by that logic Peter Gabriel should not have spent the better part of his solo singing career referring to South Africa as a nation that had racism enshrined into its constitution. He said that just about everytime when he was going to sing his hit song "Biko". He didn't live there, and Steven Biko, the man who the song was writen to honor, no longer does either. So what does some washed up former Genesis lead singer know about South Africa or how their laws should be writen?


You are comparing today's Alabama to apartheid era South Africa?

Heck, why didn't you just admit to being a TROLL instead of posting that rambling bit of nonsense?

You're argument is the same as last time, "Alabama has a history of being racist, so all the government (and probably the residents, too) are a bunch of bigots. Who cares if it all happened half a century ago, nothing changes with these back woods neanderthals."

It just proves that you probably never even been to the state, much less spent any time here.

Get over yourself, O Clueless One. You've been watching too much television and film. The stereotypical uncouth, ignorant, uneducated, bigoted Southerner is concoction that goes back centuries. New England newspapers that were controlled by initially the shipping and later manufacturing interests of the region have been portraying Southerners in such a manner since before the American Revolution- heck, since before the French and Indian Wars. It just proves that if you say a lie long enough, it becomes accepted as fact by people that don't know any better.

You see, I lived here in Alabama pretty much my whole life. In addition, I HAVE spent a good deal of time in SC for business, too. Not just in the big cities like Columbia and Charleston or the tourist traps like Myrtle Beach but out in the little podunk towns and wide spots in the road that make towns Aiken and Orangeburg look down right cosmopolitan.

You know what I found so surprising? They were just like the little podunk towns I grew up in and around here in Alabama. You could pick up a town in either state and put it down in the other and you wouldn't be able to tell it had happened except for the differences in BBQ sauce preferences.

You know what that tells me? Your repeated rabid attacks on Alabama are also a condemnation of your own home state. If your beloved SC has grown past what happened 50 years ago and even farther back in history, then why do you think that here in Alabama things haven't changed also?
ok, folks, move along. there's nothing to see here. I made it into and out of my birth state with no problems. The Kimber Compact Stainless II went everywhere I did.
Mods, feel free to lock this thread before somebody strokes out.
I agree. Sounds like someone had too much coffee..............................................or crack.

Glad your trip went well.
Quit flaming with each other or you'll both be put on vacation from the site. Go re-read the site rules.
.....just attempting to verify something before I head into 'bama tomorrow.

By looking at the AL thread I see that carry on a college campus is not allowed, but I don't see anything about church carry. That's probably because there's nothing there re: it, but I just want to make sure. I know, I know.....concealed means concealed...
Praise God and pass the ammunition

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