The key issue in McDonald was whether or not handguns could be possessed in the home, unlocked and not otherwise disabled in any state or other municipality in the Country...
AND state/local governments as well as the fed were prohibited by the Second Amendment from banning/disabling handguns in the home for the purpose of self-defense...
I totally disagree with this premise. McDonald was not about that at all! McDonald was about a gun ban in the City of Chicago and Oakland Park that prevented Otis McDonald from purchasing and owning a gun for self defense. You have fallen prey to media tactics of Anti's that want to try to limit this ruling that it was to own a gun JUST for the home. This case was VERY different from Heller in that regard.
I don't see any ambiguity at all in the wording either. All the Court said about not striking down reasonable gun laws was that states will still have the ability to control guns from felons, mentally ill, etc., and that there will still be places States and Cities will be able to say you can't schools, municipal buildings, churches, etc. They didn't say you could not KEEP and BEAR ARMS. They DID say the STATES can't prohibit that! They reference several times in the opinion that KEEP and BEAR ARMS is a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT to every citizen. What is it about that language that you, and the rest of the Anti-gun media find so ambiguous? To me, that's pretty plain and clear.
You are never going to see an opinion from the court so specific that it says: " you can carry, open or concealed, anywhere you want to go on American soil, without any restrictions whatsoever from State or Local official laws."
Plus, the Court doesn't HAVE TO say that. the U.S. Constitution already does! In McDonald, all they did was RE-AFFIRM that! McDonald and Heller were two VERY different cases, and the attorneys for Mc Donald made sure of that.
Obviously, you have not read very many of my posts or you would not be trying to lump me in with the antis...
My personal view is that the Second Amendment stands on its own...
"SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" means just that...
There are no exceptions...
AS I have stated a multitude of times previously...
The Second Amendment does not state "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" Except...
IF your zip code is x...
OR your standing at y...
OR the type or class of weapon you desire to have is z...
OR if said weapon is carried openly or concealed...
OR if you have enough time & money to get through the applicable federal, state, local and other municipality's draconian licensing, registration, regulation, training they deem this week as "fundamental - due process" to exercise your inherent right...
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If there are conditions, (Read Infringements) its not a right...
One of the key tenets of the "Unabridged" Second Amendment is to be able to remove a tyrannical government not unlike our own current Socialist In Chief & Company's Utopia...
IF only police, military and politicians... thanks to the so-called FOPA of 1986 and now Heller & McDonald... can have any type or class of weapon the Second Amendment has been neutered and made ambiguous and conditional...
As the saying goes "The Second Amendment Ain't About Duck Hunting"...
Be that as it may...
McDonald & Heller were very narrow in scope as D.C. and Chicago have clearly demonstrated...
Both of whom have literally spit in the face of SCOTUS days after each ruling...
Days following the McDonald Supreme Court decision, Chicago said f/u with their new ordinance...
The approval came four days after the U.S. Supreme Court effectively tossed out Chicago's longstanding ban on handguns. Mayor Richard M. Daley introduced the gun restrictions Thursday and aldermen (Chicago City Council) approved the ordinance 45 to 0.
Key provisions of the ordinance:
•Firearm sales will be banned in the city.
•Gun training totaling four hours in a classroom and an hour on a firing range will be required before getting a permit. But firing ranges are banned, so training must be completed outside Chicago.
•To transport a gun, it will have to be "broken down," not immediately accessible, unloaded, and in a firearm case.
•Firearms may be possessed only inside the dwelling (the home). It will be illegal to have a gun in the garage, on the front porch or in the yard. Guns also will not be allowed in hotels, dorms and group-living facilities.
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As soon as the Heller Supreme Court decision became final in July 2008, the District of Columbia Council passed an “emergency” law that allowed residents to own a pistol only “for use in self-defense within [the] home.”
The new law also allowed the District to charge would-be handgun owners multiple, unlimited fees for registration, fingerprinting and a “ballistics identification procedure.”
The District also kept its peculiar definition of “machine gun,” which bans not only firearms capable of fully automatic fire, but also firearms that shoot “or can be readily converted or restored to shoot …
semiautomatically, more than 12 shots without manual reloading.” (Emphasis added.) To make matters worse, D.C. interpreted this language to ban any semi-automatic that uses a detachable magazine, because someone, somewhere, might have a magazine that would hold 12 or more rounds of ammunition.
Finally, once a new handgun owner suffered through the District’s bureaucratic process, he could only assemble, unlock and load the gun “while it is being used to protect against a reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm to a person within the registrant’s home.”
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DC residents say it's too hard to get a gun
The Supreme Court ruled last week that states and localities cannot ban handguns intended for self defense. That could overturn local bans, just the way a similar ruling two years ago ended a ban in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of district residents have taken advantage of the new law. Still, many residents complain it's still too difficult to get a gun in the nation's capital.
So basically IF you live in D.C. or Chicago and you have enough money and you live long enough to get though their approval, training, licensing, regulation process, you can have a revolver in your home for the purpose of self-defense under the criteria they have set-forth...
That will ripple across the country...
Because the only type or class of weapon in either case that was clearly delineated was handguns...
and the only location that was specified was in the home...
and the only purpose that was specified was self-defense...
the anti's are free to put any prohibition, licensing, registering, regulating, etc., they want in place short of banning (THEIR DEFINITION OF HANDGUNS) handguns for self-defense in the home...
IF SCOTUS had stated that keeping & bearing arms is a fundamental basic right and that the Second Amendment means what it says and that you simply cannot, must not read anymore into "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" ...
Then Heller & McDonald would have been more significant...
BECAUSE they stated its fundamental except under due process of law ... which means whatever the mob-rule majority (Read Democracy) want it to mean at any given point in history vs. what the Constitutional Republic we were founded as meant it to mean...
The First Fundamental Principle of Constitutional Interpretation: Your Rights Don't Come From Government
Instead... as both the P.O.S. Alan Gura Esq., (IN MY VIEW) and the opposition requested in both cases...
The opinion was intentionally left narrow and only addressed...
- Type or Class of Weapon of - HANDGUN...
- Location - IN THE HOME...
- Purpose - SELF-DEFENSE...
Just because you or I want it to be more broad then it is, does not make it so...