McCain and Romney ticket

Would you still be incline to vote for McCain if he chooses Mitt Romney to be his VP running mate ?

Mitt Romney was a Massachusetts governor, whom signed one of the toughest anti-guns law into effect in Massachusetts

Mitt Romney, signed a Massachusetts AWB thats still in effects today, even after the Susnet of the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban.

are we screwed on Both parties ?
Would you still be incline to vote for McCain if he chooses Mitt Romney to be his VP running mate ?

Mitt Romney was a Massachusetts governor, whom signed one of the toughest anti-guns law into effect in Massachusetts

Mitt Romney, signed a Massachusetts AWB thats still in effects today, even after the Susnet of the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban.

are we screwed on Both parties ?
Romney is not a conservative. I never understood what people saw in him to begin with, but everyone on the radio was screaming and yelling that he was so awesome next to McCain, and it's hard to get a word in edgewise.
There are not many choices in this election. I personally do not think we will have to make that choice regarding McCain.

I believe the guy at the top of the short list is Pawlenty of Minnesota. Considering that it was he as governor that signed into law the change from "may issue" to "shall issue" concealed carry permits, one should have no trouble supporting this ticket over what is clearly a dangerous Democratic candidate.
Let's not forget that Romney also made Massachusetts the first state to have socialized health care, requiring insurance for everyone, even those who can't afford it, and for smokers, drug addicts, and alcoholics, at taxpayer expense. Furthermore, it was Romney who ordered the state to follow the decree of the Massachusetts Supreme Court to begin issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. He also claimed to have been endorsed by the NRA. Conservative? I think not.
Let's not forget that Romney also made Massachusetts the first state to have socialized health care, requiring insurance for everyone, even those who can't afford it, and for smokers, drug addicts, and alcoholics, at taxpayer expense. Furthermore, it was Romney who ordered the state to follow the decree of the Massachusetts Supreme Court to begin issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. He also claimed to have been endorsed by the NRA. Conservative? I think not.
He also signed some fairly restrictive anti-gun laws as governor. The only reason Romney has any conservative credentials at all was due to hearsay promotion.

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