Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to hear gun rights case


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The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court is expected to decide whether a state law that requires residents to apply for gun licenses with their local police departments is unconstitutional.

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Awesome news! We need a change here because the local Chiefs having a say complicates things very much. Why should one town have different laws than another? It should be a uniform procedure with the same laws across the state.
HR 218 Information

I found a good article in the Jan 2011 Law Officer Magazine titled Improving the Concealed Carry Law - Tactics and Weapons ... in case you do not receive the magazine you can find it by doing a Google search in short
“Jan 12, 2011 ... Improving the Concealed Carry Law. New act better defines who's qualified to carry. article; comments.” Tweet • Laura L. Scarry | From the ... - Cached
One point that I find curious is that agencies are not mandated to issue retired credentials; another interesting point is that if they do not issue retired credentials your old agency credentials will suffice. If something happens and you end up in a court one question will help to solve an issue. That question is “are you a qualified retired law enforcement officer.”

Pat Olvey
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email [email protected]
Carry Conceal Article

I found a good article in the Jan 2011 Law Officer Magazine titled Conceal carry, new strategies for the plainclothes carry by Chris Boyd.
Concealed Carry - Tactics and Weapons -
Jan 12, 2011 ... In this follow up article, veteran Chris Boyd shares his insights into ... Concealed Carry. New strategies for the plainclothes carry ...
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Line of the article is to carry a handgun that you will not leave at home but have with you and always carry it in the same location on your body.

Pat Olvey
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email [email protected]

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