Mass Gun Law Reform

This is some what a duplicate post (sorry for that). I feel this site should have its own thread. I am posting the link to GOALs gun law reform. Let me know what you guys think about it. I feel this is something that we need here in PRMA. They have gotten some support now, more will be needed. I think this is going to be amazing. I like how they are really trying to change things here. Living in MA being pro-second amendment can be tough. Anyways, let me know what you guys think!

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As long as we have the likes of Kennedy and Kerry who have their heads screwed on backwards, we have had the "Don't kick a sleeping dog" approach to gun laws here. And mumbles Meninyo... well, he's a tool in his own right, I never know what the heck he's saying. All I can ever discern is blah blah blah blah City of Boston, and that's how he's gotten by for so long. He actually has some opposition in the next election though.

Maybe it's time we take the bull by the horns. The problem is, as always, it takes money and lawyers, and heck, so many people have their hands in my pockets NOW, I have to wear mittens to keep my hands warm.
I urge everyone on here to write to their rep and urge them to sign on to this bill. I think this is something that is very important and it is up to us to do everything we can to make this happen.
I urge you to write...

GOAL just got their Bill a number and GOAL has listed the committee for that hearing of the Bill on their web page. I have started emailing the people urging them to vote for the passing of the bill. I hope that you guys will do the same. Regardless of if you think this bill wont pass or not, we can at least do our part by urging the committee to pass this bill. The rest is in GOAL's hands. I am writing to them. I hope you guys do the same!
Just got through reading through the proposed reform legislation.

I find a couple of things that I have issues with:

1. I would love to take the licensing authority out of the hands of the local police chiefs and just made it a state issue with uniform standards for approval (as close to "shall issue" as we'll ever see). If they want to allow the local chief's to be able to "recommend" approval or denial (or no opinion) that would be fine as long as the standards for denial required the chiefs to meet a threshold for "unsuitability" rather than a general term. In other words, someone applies to the state, and the state sends a request to the applicant's local chief saying something along the lines of "do you recommend this application be approved, denied, or make no recommendation" and give them 10 days to reply or else it's automatically considered a "no recommendation".

2. The whole wishy-washy "direct control" language with regard to possession in a vehicle really needs to be eliminated or at worst clarified with language something along the lines of "direct control does not necessarily mean carried on the person". Ideally I'd love to see something similar to FL's glove box law.
Just got through reading through the proposed reform legislation.

I find a couple of things that I have issues with:

1. I would love to take the licensing authority out of the hands of the local police chiefs and just made it a state issue with uniform standards for approval (as close to "shall issue" as we'll ever see). If they want to allow the local chief's to be able to "recommend" approval or denial (or no opinion) that would be fine as long as the standards for denial required the chiefs to meet a threshold for "unsuitability" rather than a general term. In other words, someone applies to the state, and the state sends a request to the applicant's local chief saying something along the lines of "do you recommend this application be approved, denied, or make no recommendation" and give them 10 days to reply or else it's automatically considered a "no recommendation".

2. The whole wishy-washy "direct control" language with regard to possession in a vehicle really needs to be eliminated or at worst clarified with language something along the lines of "direct control does not necessarily mean carried on the person". Ideally I'd love to see something similar to FL's glove box law.

I do agree that the licensing authority needs to be at the state level and not the individual departments. However, I do agree with this Bill so I am backing it. I hope it passes!

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