Just got through reading through the proposed reform legislation.
I find a couple of things that I have issues with:
1. I would love to take the licensing authority out of the hands of the local police chiefs and just made it a state issue with uniform standards for approval (as close to "shall issue" as we'll ever see). If they want to allow the local chief's to be able to "recommend" approval or denial (or no opinion) that would be fine as long as the standards for denial required the chiefs to meet a threshold for "unsuitability" rather than a general term. In other words, someone applies to the state, and the state sends a request to the applicant's local chief saying something along the lines of "do you recommend this application be approved, denied, or make no recommendation" and give them 10 days to reply or else it's automatically considered a "no recommendation".
2. The whole wishy-washy "direct control" language with regard to possession in a vehicle really needs to be eliminated or at worst clarified with language something along the lines of "direct control does not necessarily mean carried on the person". Ideally I'd love to see something similar to FL's glove box law.