I lived in Annapolis for a few years, then Hagerstown, and I can honestly say that state is the worst I have ever lived-in, bar none. I'm back to my home state, AR, and quite happy with way-of-life here. In Maryland it's almost as if the state despises its citizens with all the ridiculous laws on the books, one which required me to pay a $1,500 dollar fee to transfer my vehicle tags from Arkansas to Maryland. I got an out of state permit, and just tagged my car in Arkansas.
This is but one of many problems. Annapolis was the most expensive town to live-in at the time. The crime there was atrocious. Left a pair of prescription glasses in a restaurant there, got in the car, and realized I had left the sunglasses inside. Nobody knew what happened to them as they were gone when I walked back inside. Someone later said that is a common problem. They steal the glasses and sell the frames.
Murders were rampant in convenience stores/gas pumps. One happened less than 30 minutes after I gassed up at one.
If an enema was given to the U.S., Maryland would be where they insert the tube, and D.C. would run a very close second place.
I'll never go back to Maryland, and have to commute to Balto or D.C. Moving there was most ignorant/stupid thing I have ever done with my life.
D.C. was the murder capital of the U.S. back then. I was parked behind the White House one trip, and someone was murdered in their car just 3 hours after I left. I recognized the exact spot on the news.
I feel lucky to get out of there with my sanity, and my life.