"Martial Law" Declared in Arkansas Town

I never thought I would see myself typing this, but I'm sure glad to be living in Indiana these days, even if I am only spitting distance away from Chicago! It could be worse!
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order.
The day NATO troops occupy our streets is the day ALL patriotic Americans will have a moral obligation to begin sniping two legged targets. IMO anyone who would not take arms against socialist UN troops would be a traitor and coward, to be promptly executed for treason by the local militia
The day NATO troops occupy our streets is the day ALL patriotic Americans will have a moral obligation to begin sniping two legged targets. IMO anyone who would not take arms against socialist UN troops would be a traitor and coward, to be promptly executed for treason by the local militia

This would be a good example of America under seige by "foreign" enemies.

The day NATO troops occupy our streets is the day ALL patriotic Americans will have a moral obligation to begin sniping two legged targets. IMO anyone who would not take arms against socialist UN troops would be a traitor and coward, to be promptly executed for treason by the local militia

The 200 million privately owned firearms in America will ensure that this never happens. "From our cold, dead hands!"
OUTRAGED BY THE COMMENT: "Now if somebody wants to sue us, they have an option to sue, but I'm fairly certain that a judge will see it the way the way the citizens see it here," Mayor James Valley said. "The citizens deserve peace, that some infringement on constitutional rights is OK and we have not violated anything as far as the Constitution."

Anyone remember the phrase Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety by Ben Franklin?

By the policy, well i'm not sure if that violates the constitution, but the warrantless searches that happen if a citizen who's doing nothing wrong refused to answer the police....
I would be suing. Period, heavens forbid the police and local government actually do their job and restore order by going after the criminals instead of good citizens.
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I live nearby in Memphis and remember hearing about this, but haven't heard anything in a few months. Maybe the town "fathers" just decided to quietly let this thing go away.
We had a problem in one of the most dangerous areas of Northtown (the Las Vegas equivalent of Watts) with a low income housing area known as Gerson Park. The area was bulldozed down and replaced with senior apartments and condos. LVMPD put a substation nearby as well. No more pests or rabid animals because their breeding ground is gone and the exterminator put a branch office by the infestation. It was done without martial law, created jobs in construction for the duration of the project and made the neighborhood better.
Pests or rabid animals can be killed off. Human beings just move somewhere else.

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