Mandatory Storage Bill Proposed in Michigan


New member
Senate Bill 268, introduced by State Senator Martha Scott (D-2), would undermine a citizen’s right to self-defense by imposing onerous storage requirements on Michigan gun owners, rendering firearms useless in self-defense situations.

SB 268 requires households with children to store their guns in locked boxes with trigger locks installed. Violations would be punishable as a misdemeanor offense if a juvenile gains access to the firearm.

The bill has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee but has not been scheduled for a hearing.

[SIZE=+0]Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and let them know this bill is not only unnecessary, it is dangerous. Contact information can be found below.[/SIZE]

State Senator Wayne Kuipers (R-30) Chairman
Phone: (517) 373-6920
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Alan Cropsey (R-33) Vice Chair
Phone: (517) 373-3760
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Alan Sanborn (R-11)
Phone: (517) 373-7670
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Bruce Patterson (R-7)
Phone: (517) 373-7350
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Tony Stamas (R-36)
Phone: (517) 373-7946
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Gretchen Whitmer (D-23)
Phone: (517) 372-1734
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Hansen Clarke (D-1)
Phone: (517) 373-7346
Email: [email protected]

State Senator Raymond Basham (D-8)
(517) 373-7800
Email: [email protected]
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Households with Children...

Good post, thank you Mr Sheldon for watching... I missed this bill being posted... I will get e-mails out tonight..
I'm not from michigan, but your senator is a moron. I hope nobody tries to break into her home and she has to try and get TWO locks off of her gun before the robber gets to her
I'm not from michigan, but your senator is a moron. I hope nobody tries to break into her home and she has to try and get TWO locks off of her gun before the robber gets to her

That's pretty close. She's a Lib Dem from the intercity of Detroit.
Link Removed

Her list of "Her Legislations" are nothing more than a laundry list of give away programs...
And Detroit is well known for it's election of nut jobs.... Look at their now ex mayor, their State Senator...
You know if we could only give Detroit back to Ohio, we could significantly reduce our crime rate, tax burden, and loose a bunch of anti 2A legislators... sounds like a win win for Michigan...