Man shot after apparent road rage attack in Detroit


New member
One man was shot today as he attempted to pull another man out of car because he believed the man cut him off in traffic, Detroit police said.
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I saw this on the news at 6 to night and was waiting for a print verision. The TV Reporter said the "Victim" /shooter was waiting for the police quietly at the scene. There was no mention of the "Vitim" having a Conceal Carry Permit on TV. At this point, sounds like someone defended himself. Good for him.
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Hotheads like this guy are exactly who the antis believe all gun carriers will behave like if someone pisses them off. Jackasses like him do nothing except make antis' jobs easier.
Just from the little info the article contained it does not sound like the shooter was a hot head. It does sound like the one that got shot was and bit of more than he could chew.
Assaulting people is dangerous business.

People do stupid stuff in traffic all the time.
My attitude is"No collision? No problem."
I a quick look around and do not see anything new on any of the media sites. But it is not the first time that the media jumped on a shooting story to find out that the shooter had a CPL and was defending "himself" and no further charges were pending. If a CPL Holder was in the wrong, the media would be all over it like a hobo on a hotdog.
I a quick look around and do not see anything new on any of the media sites. But it is not the first time that the media jumped on a shooting story to find out that the shooter had a CPL and was defending "himself" and no further charges were pending. If a CPL Holder was in the wrong, the media would be all over it like a hobo on a hotdog.

You are totally right about the media spinning this kind of thing towards the left. It sucks. It just shows how left leaning the media really is. I saw that here in Oregon a few years back when a local high school teacher was wanting to carry her gun onto the school grounds. (she had a state carry permit) It was against school policy for employees but its NOT against the law in Oregon. Oregon law exempts permit holders from the "gun free" school zones. The media was all over her for the first while.....but then they backed way off after they admitted it was in fact, LEGAL, for her to carry her gun there.

The local paper here is way liberal too. It makes me sick! :angry: They were wanting to publish a list of the people in the local area who have ccw permits. w.t.f?? :blink: I think they lost a court battle over that so thankfully that never happened. :to_pick_ones_nose:
People need to get control of there rage before they pick on the wrong guy who does not have to put up with it when his life is being challenged
I guess in the endless list of scenario what if's this is definitely one of mine. If someone is kicking out my window and then trying to pull me out of my truck and I have nowhere to go to get away I do believe he's catching a bullet if I can get to my gun. The circumstances are a lil bit more justified than if the guy gives me the finger.
being cut off on the road today is afact of life,people talking on cell phones,eating,working on laptops,putting on make-up. no accident no foul, but yank open my car door or kick out my window and i feel threatened and it's stop the lead.