Man Kills Girlfriend While Showing Her Gun


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Man Kills Girlfriend While Showing Her Gun
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

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GRETNA, La. — A 23-year-old man's attempt to show his girlfriend a pistol ended in tragedy when the gun discharged, killing her, Jefferson Parish Sheriff's deputies said.

Deputies said 23-year-old Averyell Davis was shot in the abdomen Monday night.

Sheriff's spokesman Col. John Fortunato said Curtis C. Murray has been arrested and booked with one count of negligent homicide.

The couple was in the living room of their home in Gretna when the gun discharged, Fortunato said.

He says Davis told first responders that her boyfriend accidentally shot her, Fortunato said.

Davis died shortly after arriving at the hospital.
Very tradgic...very sad. This could of been avoided if he treated every firearm as if it were loaded and kept the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. When people become careless, its sad to say, but accidents happen. Unfortunatly, brady bunch will love this like you said. Owning a firearm means you need to be responsible. I feel bad for her.
This is where I always wonder how we relate proper training to gun ownership. We certainly don't want to limit our 2nd Amendment rights, but the truth is that there are many people out there who have no clue what it means to be a responsible gun owner.
The Basic rules of firearm safety:

1. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded (he didn't do it)
2. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot (he did not do it)
3. Always keep the muzzle pointed away from anything you don't intend to destroy (he DEFINITELY did not do that).

Obviously there are more, but these are, in my opinion, the ones that are most important in preventing an unintentional discharge.
On a good note though.......good thing Davis had told the first responders that Murray "had accidentally shot her".
Then again, a life was lost and it was His girlfriend. Very sad.
Prayers out to the Family.
Vary sad. How did the gun discharged? I take it his finger was on the trigger? We have a case like this in court right now in NH. The 19 year old kid was in the back seat and was looking at the gun and playing with it. Then when he tryed to put it back under the seat it went off. Shooting through the seat and hitting the 20 year old girl sitting in the front seat Killing her. It's vary sad that people think guns are play toys and do not follow the steps of gun safety. The sad thing here is that not just one life was lost two where lost. She is dead and he is going to jail.
This is where I always wonder how we relate proper training to gun ownership. We certainly don't want to limit our 2nd Amendment rights, but the truth is that there are many people out there who have no clue what it means to be a responsible gun owner.
I think its a safe bet that if he hadn't done something stupid with a gun he would have done something stupid with a car or a chainsaw or something else.
Vary sad. How did the gun discharged? I take it his finger was on the trigger? We have a case like this in court right now in NH. The 19 year old kid was in the back seat and was looking at the gun and playing with it. Then when he tryed to put it back under the seat it went off. Shooting through the seat and hitting the 20 year old girl sitting in the front seat Killing her. It's vary sad that people think guns are play toys and do not follow the steps of gun safety. The sad thing here is that not just one life was lost two where lost. She is dead and he is going to jail.

This happened about 3 miles from where I live. You need too read the entire story behind the (alledged) (yeh, right) shooter and what had happened. On another note, He was no angel OR the group He was with. Like They say, you never get the entire story from the media.
Very tradgic...very sad. This could of been avoided if he treated every firearm as if it were loaded and kept the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. When people become careless, its sad to say, but accidents happen. Unfortunatly, brady bunch will love this like you said. Owning a firearm means you need to be responsible. I feel bad for her.

It's a little late for that now. Some people shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm. This guy is one of them. Unfortunately when it comes to firearms, many times there are no second chances.

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