Man Fatally Shoots Himself at Florida Gun Range


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Man Fatally Shoots Himself at Florida Gun Range
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Print ShareThisDELRAY BEACH, Fla. — Authorities say a man fatally shot himself after renting a gun at a Delray Beach shooting range.

Employees found the man, who has not been identified, dead of a single gunshot wound Tuesday afternoon at Delray Shooting Center.

Police say the man came to Florida from another state and rented a car Tuesday morning. He went to the range, rented a revolver and fired several hundred rounds. Police say he waited for two other patrons to leave before shooting himself in the head.

Authorities say they found a detailed suicide note with his belongings.

Three other cases of people shooting themselves at gun ranges have been reported in Florida since April.
Wow, that's really awful news.

That's gotta be really traumatizing to the employees at the range. My friend walked in on a suicide when he worked at a hotel, he said it still disturbs him after all these years.
Wow, that's really awful news.

That's gotta be really traumatizing to the employees at the range. My friend walked in on a suicide when he worked at a hotel, he said it still disturbs him after all these years.

Having worked in the funeral industry, I consider folks who commit suicide to be selfish scumbags. They leave a big mess for others to clean up (with their act, financially, emotionally, etc.). I used to pick up body parts at suicide scenes and joke with my co-workers about "picking up the trash".

This frame of mind helped a great deal in coping with the horrible things I would see on a daily basis.

Pretty soon we will no longer be able to rent firearms because of stuff like this. I've heard of range policies where you can't rent a gun unless you already have one or you can't if you are by your self.
Same thing happened with a troubled young man in Scottsdale, AZ a while back. I think that kid was only 21 or 22... battling all kinds of inner turmoil, he did the exact same thing this man in FL did .

I'm anticipating "rental rules" will adapt accordingly, but from the business' perspective, I can understand the perceived need. They rent and sell guns and firearms training. They aren't paid to be shrinks or analyze patrons' issues - but the anti-gun crowd will certainly lean with that slant.

Sad story, and I feel for the family and folks stuck with the "mess."
so they are moving these suicides from their own home where people used to be found to the gun range... that is too bad.

So sad that people choose death as an answer to a temporary problem.


It's sad and unfortunate, however, more of these types are choosing to leave a nasty mess for others to clean up in their dispair, physically and emotionally. Probably even financially too.

Most of the stories related to this recent range-suicide behavior include store/range staff articulating that when the person came in, they exhibited no unusual signs. From the store/range owners' perspective, that makes it very tough, if not impossible, to then accurately assess just where each customer is (psychologically speaking) when they come to the range and rent a gun. For liability reasons, I could easily see many ranges greatly restricting or eliminating range rentals just for this reason.
If you go to the website of the Brady Campaign, they like to point out all the suicides that are committed using guns as a reason for more gun control, as if getting rid of guns will magically rid those who are suicidal of whatever is making them want to kill themselves.
The Brady organization and the fountain of bad information they provide cannot explain the fact the Japan and Sweden have the highest suicide rates in the world, yet both nations have draconian gun laws that would make even old Sarah proud.

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