hello, im not sure if i just overlooked it but i am looking for a list of instructors in missouri (possibly around the kc area) that are certified for maine permits. i have only found a handful from my searches but i just wanted to make a thread for any out there i might be missing. i cant find any around kansas city so i figured this was my best shot at possibly finding one
thanks for your time everybody
Based on my research a NRA Certified Pistol Instructor offering a NRA Basic Handgun course would meet the qualifications necessary for a Maine permit. I would also think that if you took a Missouri CCW Course you would also qualify.
This is from the Maine CFP Booklet:
Demonstrates to the issuing authority a knowledge of handgun safety.
The applicant may fully satisfy this requirement by submitting to the issuing
authority, through documentation in accordance with this subparagraph, proof
that the applicant has within 5 years prior to the date of application completed a
course that included handgun safety offered by or under the supervision of a
federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency or a firearms
instructor certified by a private firearms association recognized as
knowledgeable in matters of firearms safety by the issuing authority or by the
state in which the course was taken. A course completion certificate or other
document, or a photocopy, is sufficient if it recites or otherwise demonstrates that
the course meets all of the requirements of this subparagraph.
This booklet can be found here:
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