

New member
does any one know that much about the S&W M&P series pistol? i looked at one in.40 i like the feel of it I just want some outside information thank you all.

I have the M&P 40cal Compact. I love it I like the feel of better than other guns of that type. It fires a nice group at 25, 30, and 50ft, EZ to clean. It is an ez carry. I us the Comp-Tec IWB infidel holster. I just feel that it is an all round good gun. I carry it a lot when I am on my bike. So far it eats up everything I have put through it. It likes Hydro Shock Ammo that is what I use for SD.
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I'm a relatively new M&P owner so use my recommendation accordingly. I am very pleased with it. Besides its great reputation, I especially liked the interchangeable back straps. I carry a 4.5" barrel 45 concealed with no difficulty using a SmartCarry holster.

You can get a lot of great information about the M&P line from http://mp-pistol.com/boards/. You will get a flavor of both it's great attributes as well as some criticisms.

Last, there is a promotion available through the 30 April getting you $50 rebate plus 2 free magazines. A new promotion begins 15 May getting you $30 or 2 magazines.
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I am a big fan of the M&P line. I own the .40 and the .45 full size and I can't say enough good things about them. The trigger is excellent and the different backstraps will ensure that it will feel good in anyones hand. Pricing wise there is no better value especially when you see the quality.

With all that being said, there were some hiccups in the line when they first released the pistols but that can be said of any new platform. I second the link to the http://mp-pistol.com/boards/index.php. There are sopme really great people over on that board.
I have an M&P 9 full size that I put CT lasergrips on and use as my primary house gun. A great shooter, nice trigger, easy to field strip. Too big (for me) to carry, but I really like the gun just the same. Tossed some brass at me for the first few hundred rounds (a common problem with some) but seems to have gotten much better with a little more break-in. With the rebate and free mags (S&W sent me .40 cal mags and I am waiting for replacements) it was a good price for a good firearm.
M&p .40

I have an M&P 9 full size that I put CT lasergrips on and use as my primary house gun. A great shooter, nice trigger, easy to field strip. Too big (for me) to carry, but I really like the gun just the same. Tossed some brass at me for the first few hundred rounds (a common problem with some) but seems to have gotten much better with a little more break-in. With the rebate and free mags (S&W sent me .40 cal mags and I am waiting for replacements) it was a good price for a good firearm.

You should have requested that S&W send you a new M&P .40 to go with your mags...:toung:
M&P 9mm Compact

I carry a M&P 9C daily and I don't think there is a better pistol anywhere for the price. I have a few friends that sold their Glocks and went to the M&P. Good gun and American made.
When I think of the Smith & Wesson M&P I think of the original, not the "bottomfeeder" they are selling now.

With that said, I like what S&W has done to try and gain some of the market share from Glock. IMHO, they took the best features of the Glock, and the things wrong with the Glock and designed a good, functional carry weapon or duty weapon.

I don't own one of the new M&P's as I have other "bottomfeeders" that fill my needs, but if I was looking for a new gun the M&P in any caliber, would be on my "shortlist". I do own a 5" "Original" M&P though, and it's not for sale. :hehe:

Sorry to be dense, but I'm not familiar with this terminology. What are you referring to?

Prior to coming out with the semi-auto line of pistol, Smith & Wesson first came out with a M&P line of revolvers. The "bottom feeders" are semi-auto handguns due to the fact that you feed a magazine from the bottom of the firearm. If you haven't noticed, "Biker" is an avid revolver or "wheel gun" fan.



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Sorry to be dense, but I'm not familiar with this terminology. What are you referring to?

The S&W Model 10 Revolver, called the Model 10 after 1957, was developed in 1899 as the 38 Hand Ejector. That is the "original" Miltary & Police Handgun.

In short, it's a K-Frame, 6-Shot, Fixed Sight, Round Butt, Blued Steel Revolver. There were later changes made, like "Square Butting" and shortening the Barrel, but the Model 10's predecessor was the Military & Police whose predecessor was the 38 Hand Ejector.

There are millions of them out there, worldwide. During WWII we gave/sold them to our allies, those are called Victory Models and have a V prefix in the serial number. Over 500,00 were made between 1940 and 1945. I'm "guessimating" that mine was a "Depression Era" Revolver. I won't get it "lettered" because the gun isn't worth anything except as a "Shooter".

Today's Military & Police Models from S&W are an attempt to get back part of the market share from Glock and using the company's history to do so. There is nothing wrong with that, as I'm a big one for heritage, but I think it's important to know where the heritage comes from.

When you say M&P to me I think of the 38 Hand Ejector Model, as that was the first M&P Model.

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You know it is Glock Fan. :)

Now quit "tempting" me. That is one gorgeous Revolver that I would love to own. :y:

Excellent Handguns

does any one know that much about the S&W M&P series pistol? i looked at one in.40 i like the feel of it I just want some outside information thank you all.

I have 2 M&Ps, both 9mm, the full size and the compact. I have never had a problem with either one of them. I have put slightly over 2000 rounds in each of them. After 2000, I lost count.

I felt that the triggers were a little rough, so I sent them into Dan Burwell Gunsmithing. He performed his standard trigger job and I ordered grip texturizing as well. Now, they shoot even better. It's not necessary to have the trigger jobs performed. Many like the trigger as it comes out of the box. It was my personal choice to have it done.

You should try one before you decide. Most of the people I know like them.

I am waiting patiently for the new 45 compact to come out. It has in the Eastern states, I hear. Unfortunately for me, in order for that firearm to be sold in Kalifornia, it has to be tested and approved by the California Department of Justice. For those who don't know this, there is an approved list of handguns that can be bought and sold in the state. If it's not on the list, or is not grandfathered in before the law took effect, it is in violation. Anyway, that's another thread for another time.

I know people who have the 40c and love it. The only reason why I went with the 9 was the price of the ammo. Since the 9mm ammo is cheaper, I figured that I could practice more than I could with a 40 or 45 (I really need all the practice I can get.). Now that I have been shooting the 9s, I have begun to re-think that strategy. Now the 40 or the 45 is sounding more like another purchase all the time. I like the compact of the 9 and 40. The 45 will be a little bit bigger.

Anyway, let us know what you decide.

Decisions! Decisions!
If I need a "bottomfeeder" I've got the Glock 19 and my 1911, either will do nicely.

I am planning on picking up a Glock 26 as a BUG to my 19 though. After that I might look at the .357 Sig in a Glock. I was really impressed with what I saw as far as the M&P goes. What makes me partial to the Glock is, I can work on them, not trained on the new S&W M&P's yet, nor likely to be.

I notice that no one uses the full size m&p of any kind as a CC weapon. Why is that? Is it just to big? I was looking at using a full size 40 for a cc is that a bad idea?
I looked at the full size M & P Autoloaders and concluded that while I could hide them with good leather, I'd rather not.

Glock 19, not as tall, so easier to hide the "butt", 1911 with a 5" Barrel, thinner so it's easier to conceal well. Yes, the full size gun can be hidden with good gear, but it takes a little more work to do so, IMHO, than the two guns I favor if I'm going to carry a "bottomfeeder".

If S&W ever gets back a major portion of the market share from Glock I may have to consider getting one. Right now I can get Glock parts worldwide, or at least in the Pacific Rim countries I frequent, so that's a factor in my decision.
