just how the heck to you deal with this level of jet lag, 12 hours whew!!!
But BOT Korea was a very clean and beautiful country full of polite English speaking people that are very grateful for the sacrifice of the over 30,000 Americans that gave their life to free them from the north (the DMZ was there and that is one scary place)! and for our freeing them from the Japanese in WWII again some real bad ass oppressors. They of coarse have their left wing vocal minority that hates all things American and that is the point of the tour we went on.
Korea has a rail / subway high speed transit system that any city in our county when be envious of, fast clean and efficient. when my brain gets back in gear I will post some photos of the trip, (I took over 3,000). Soul is a large very modern LA class city but unlike LA it is very clean with no grafitti or street gangs in evidence anywhere.
At first if felt absolutely naked with out my gun, knife or OCS, but apparently this country with close to a 0% unemployment rate has a very low tolerance for crime of any kind and actually treat criminals like criminals so badly that repeat offense is a very low problem, and the streets are very safe to walk at all hours.
But BOT Korea was a very clean and beautiful country full of polite English speaking people that are very grateful for the sacrifice of the over 30,000 Americans that gave their life to free them from the north (the DMZ was there and that is one scary place)! and for our freeing them from the Japanese in WWII again some real bad ass oppressors. They of coarse have their left wing vocal minority that hates all things American and that is the point of the tour we went on.
Korea has a rail / subway high speed transit system that any city in our county when be envious of, fast clean and efficient. when my brain gets back in gear I will post some photos of the trip, (I took over 3,000). Soul is a large very modern LA class city but unlike LA it is very clean with no grafitti or street gangs in evidence anywhere.
At first if felt absolutely naked with out my gun, knife or OCS, but apparently this country with close to a 0% unemployment rate has a very low tolerance for crime of any kind and actually treat criminals like criminals so badly that repeat offense is a very low problem, and the streets are very safe to walk at all hours.