LVMPD CCW Money Order Questions


New member
I did the class and the range qualiification and I wanted to go down tomorrow and turn it all in. I was told in the class that we needed a Money Order, but I didn't remember to ask who it should be made out to and it is after 3pm, so the office is closed.

Anyone remember if it was just made out to LVMPD or something different?
Pick up a blank one from the Post Office or Wal-Mart. They'll tell you who to make it payable to when you turn in your paperwork.

It's on the application package; LVMPD will work. It does not have to be a USPS money order, the Moneygram money orders through superwallyverse will work. It was about two hours when I renewed back last October. It was in and out in under 15 minutes from the time I walked in the door to get refingerprinted last week.
Well, if you were there today... what was the wait like and what time did you show up?

I went at lunch time, which was probably a mistake, but it took about an hour and 20 minutes total for the whole thing. The CCW part went fast, but then you are in line with everyone else for the fingerprinting and photo. If you get an extra photo for a Utah or Florida permit, you have an additional wait. It seemed like workers were leaving to go to lunch and coming back while we were there, so at another time there may be more staff. (Exotic dancers are in line too, so there is something to look at while you're waiting):laugh::laugh:

Thanks. I'm planning on heading in tomorrow around 11ish. Maybe I can get through before too many head to lunch.
showed up at 11:21 and left at 1:05. Took about 20 minutes to be called to the first window, 20 to get through that window and the next one, about 45 to get fingerprinted and photographed, and another 20 to go to the last window where they said I'd get my permit in the mail after the FBI check comes back.