LTC in MA Questions


New member
I grew up in MA and got my first LTC once I turned of age. When I did I remember putting "All lawful purposes" on the application because of the restrictions that some police chiefs put on the permit. Since then about 6 years ago I moved to GA and haven't had to deal with any of the politics involved in MA to get a permit so I have become unfamiliar with how it works now.

About a month ago my father passed away, once the dust settled from the funeral and everything my mother called me and asked me what she needed to do to get a pistol and a permit because she felt she needed to protect herself at home and when she goes to work. I gave her a bunch of advice and I sent her to Smith and Wesson shooting sports center to take the safety class, which she completed last Saturday. During the class she was told to "not even waste her time" thinking that she is going to get a permit for "all lawful purposes" and that the chief in her town (Chicopee, MA) only hands out "target and hunting". She likes to go for walks with the dogs, and she works in Holyoke which is a really bad area and she would really like to put her pistol in her purse when she does these things. It drives me crazy that my 66 year old mother will be forced to be a victim or carry illegally just to be able to defend herself.

Long story short how should we approach this? Do you have any advice on how to handle the interview? At what point can we appeal and engage legal council if we need to? Does the recent Heller outcome help us at all with this?
I got my class a using "all lawfull purpose", but I live in the sticks (Topsfield). I, like most, go into the police station thinking its going to be an interogation. It was far from that. He asked me a few basic questions like "what do you do for work" "how long have you worked there", "why do you want a gun licence". We basicly "shot the shit" for a half hour while he entered my information into the computer. I dont know about chicopee, but topsfield does this. you make an appointment, and bring your application with you to the interview. If chicopee does it that way, tell her to leave the "reason for licence" blank, and talk to the officer about her situation, and ask what she should write down. Now I know the town next door's interview prossess is like this. you bring the completed form to the police station and they call you when they want you to come in. If Chicopee does it this way, I would write "all lawfull purpose because ________" and explaine why

hope this helps
good luck

remember, its our right to keep and bear arms. If they limit a licence to target or hunting, its a rights violation. contacting the NRA or GOAL will help.
I got my class a using "all lawfull purpose", but I live in the sticks (Topsfield). I, like most, go into the police station thinking its going to be an interogation. It was far from that. He asked me a few basic questions like "what do you do for work" "how long have you worked there", "why do you want a gun licence". We basicly "shot the shit" for a half hour while he entered my information into the computer. I dont know about chicopee, but topsfield does this. you make an appointment, and bring your application with you to the interview. If chicopee does it that way, tell her to leave the "reason for licence" blank, and talk to the officer about her situation, and ask what she should write down. Now I know the town next door's interview prossess is like this. you bring the completed form to the police station and they call you when they want you to come in. If Chicopee does it this way, I would write "all lawfull purpose because ________" and explaine why

hope this helps
good luck

remember, its our right to keep and bear arms. If they limit a licence to target or hunting, its a rights violation. contacting the NRA or GOAL will help.

While this may be the case where you are was not for me. Mine was an interrogation more or less in my eyes. At the end of the day, not only did I not get my Class A LTC ALP, I got knocked down to a Class B LTC. I went to the NRA and GOAL with my story, I was informed that there is nothing we can do about it because in MA, it’s the LAW that chiefs can do what they want. Here in PRMA, each Town has the right to pretty much do what they want. Each Chief can do his own thing when it comes to his town. If they don't give out ALP Class A's, then there might be nothing she can do. I would meet with a Firearm lawyer here in MA and have your mom go over things with them and see what the recommend. It might cost a bit, but could be worth it. I am sorry to hear about your dad. Keep us updated!

Also, get on your local Reps to support the bill proposed by GOAL to change things here in PRMA

Best of luck,
At the end of the day, not only did I not get my Class A LTC ALP, I got knocked down to a Class B LTC. each Town has the right to pretty much do what they want. Each Chief can do his own thing when it comes to his town. Capo

True - My girlfriends brother in law is from the town next door I was talking about earlier. The chief said he only gives out class B's to first timers.

My friends mother lived in a town that is known for not giving out a's. She got hers because she gave a good reason (realistate broker - alot of door to door).

Its possable your (manderson"s) mother can convince the chief

afterall, she most likely looks like a lesser threat than a 26 year old
All lawful purposes is no longer accepted....

Use these in this order:

Carry large sums of money
Protection of Life and Property
All lawful purposes is no longer accepted....

Use these in this order:

Carry large sums of money
Protection of Life and Property
Feeding Hills, MA

In Feeding Hills MA you apply for your License To Carry give them your NRA and MA state police certificates they make copies there. They will issue a LTC with no restrictions and there is no interview with the chief of police. they have a very pro gun attitude and will help you each step of the way, they will even take your picture there and on electronic fingerprint.
Central licensing authority

I read last month or so that MA is now moving to a central authority for the LTC issue. The blog 'Snowflakes in Hell' had something on it.
Hope it makes a positive impact. Town to town standards are arbitrary and should be done away with.
The power to issue a license is in the hands of the chief of police in the town in which you reside. The issue here is some chiefs will and others will not issue unrestricted Class A LTC.

The difference as it was explained to me, was "all lawful purpose" was too loose a term and allowed the holder of the license broad interpretations. The phrase "protection of life and property" had the connotation that the weapon was to be carried on ones person at all times and not to be allowed to be loose in a vehicle etc..

The laws in this state are convoluted and confusing and quite dumb with regards to firearms.

The cradle of Freedom... Perhaps 235 years ago.:biggrin:

issuing authority

You're right that it still rest w/ the Chief. There is legislation to move to a central authority.
I looked around and found that H 2259 is the bill, but can't find anything on its current status other than it's still active.
Do folks from this forum, or any groups with which they are members, have the means/ability/interest to jump-start the bill fi it's in fact stalled?
I'll keep looking for the current status and keep y'all posted.
You're right that it still rest w/ the Chief. There is legislation to move to a central authority.
I looked around and found that H 2259 is the bill, but can't find anything on its current status other than it's still active.
Do folks from this forum, or any groups with which they are members, have the means/ability/interest to jump-start the bill fi it's in fact stalled?
I'll keep looking for the current status and keep y'all posted.

Gun Owners Action League.

Gun Owners' Action League - - "Protecting Your Freedom Begins Here"

Hello Manderson2228, My name is Mark Shean, I have been giving the class all over the state of Ma. for LTC/FID now for eleven years, in that time I have run into many different ways things are done from town to town. On my website I have written some valuable information that many people have found useful in their quest to obtain a gun license. The police do have some 'leeway' when issuing a LTC, but they can also be over ridden by a judge through what is called a 'Petition for Judicial Review' if a person feels they are being wrongly denied or restricted. Have your mother go to my site at , at the top of the page she can find my 'Gun Sense' tab, click onto that, each article I write is numbered, scroll down to #13 and this will explain Petition for Judicial Review, also have her go to #19 'Reason Letter', this gives a template for anyone that feels they want to write the chief their reason for wanting an LTC for 'Any Lawful Purpose', it may not fit everyone to a tee but it can be 'tweeked' to fit your circumstance. She should probably read #19 first then proceed. I hope this is helpful, The things I write in my 'Gun Sense' series are from years of aquired experiance with firearms as an instructor as well as being involved in organized shooting sports since 1964. Sincerely.....good luck.
hi i am apply for class a out of state re,queston 10on app i have defendid myself in court and found not gilty all charges exspunged what are the posiabilates of geting class a
to cvmac

If what you say is right, the possibility of getting a class A is a done deal, what town do you live in? Are you in Ma.?
When a chief of police has a policy that excludes 'Any Lawful Purpose' as a reason for a class A license, it is because he has no intention of being reasonable. There can be no better reason, it covers the entire gambit for the law abiding public. He should be asked if 'any illegal intent' sounds better. A (petition for judicial review) can, in many cases over ride the police chief that is treating good people badly just because he wants to exert his 'power'. Treating good people badly does nothing to curb crime and is a disservice to the public. We have the real power to change this 'arbitrary discretion' by contacting our public servants, you know, the people we elect to 'represent' us, those servants. They need to be reminded from time to time that yes indeed they do work for us!

hi this charlie i live in hudson new hampshire i do have ltc in n/h did not have this quiston # 10 on nh app. thanks for the response only if you have ben convi. and this is a no
I got it from the horses mouth that NO gun legislation will be dealt with because it's an election year. circle the wagons, and start fresh next month.

The X police chief in Quincy was a real dirt bag. He outright said that nobody in the city needed a concealed carry. Refused to give one out under any circumstances (unless it was a wealthy buddy), and as far as I know, even people bringing lawyers in got nowhere with him. I can't help wonder now that he's no longer the chief, if HE turned in his permit? I was in the detectives department there one day picking up a recovered item stolen from my car, and heard a Captain SCREAMING at some guy on the phone that he "Wasn't getting no FKN gun permit." :fie: Glad I moved the hell out of there.
To OldOwl

The new Quincy police Chief is much more user friendly. I have given the class to quite a few people now that have not had any problem obtaining thier A LTC. The Chief in Weymouth was exactly like the old Quincy chief but got fired for some 'indecretions' that would get any of us peasents put in jail. The new Weymouth chief is much better also.

Badly treating law abiding citizens trying only to do the right thing is a genuine disservice to the public and does nothing to prevent crime. Complain to your public servants to strip away 'arbitrary discretion' from police chiefs. Make it a shall issue state with the only criteria being a background check. End the dictator wanna be's once and for all.
The new Quincy police Chief is much more user friendly. I have given the class to quite a few people now that have not had any problem obtaining thier A LTC. The Chief in Weymouth was exactly like the old Quincy chief but got fired for some 'indecretions' that would get any of us peasents put in jail. The new Weymouth chief is much better also.

Badly treating law abiding citizens trying only to do the right thing is a genuine disservice to the public and does nothing to prevent crime. Complain to your public servants to strip away 'arbitrary discretion' from police chiefs. Make it a shall issue state with the only criteria being a background check. End the dictator wanna be's once and for all.

Not gonna happen. The Dems were awake and out in force for the mid terms. We only got Scott Brown elected because the moon and stars were aligned and the Dems were so far on their high horse they couldn't see the ground. 50 % of the residents proved beyond a shadow of doubt they are stupid by re electing the communist dictator in the state house. I definitely plan to bail out of this place, but til I do I'll continue making their lives miserable and WORK every day they're in office. The wife says I can retire when this mortgage is paid, and then I'll become a professional thorn in their side full time.
Your probably correct, I wrote my reps from Plymouth area, Vinny DeMacedo (R) and Tom Obrian (D) a few years ago about 'arbitrary discretion' and even sent it certified mail, all I got back were two return signature cards and ZERO response otherwise, 'crickets'! You can read my well written three page letter from my June archives 2009 at if your interested, it at least deserved a 'go pound sand' from our exaulted servants.:wacko: