Looking for satirical gun control article about toasters


New member
A few years back I read an article about a woman who killed her husband by swinging a toaster by the cord and hitting him in the head with it. It prompted a hilarious "Stiff toaster Legislation" "Op-Ed" in a magazine. I believe it was in SOF Magazine. Is anyone familiar with this article? I have been looking for it forever, if anybody knows where I can find it, I would be greatly appreciative.
The article I am referring to was hilarious, it talked about waiting periods for toaster purchases, and how many claim that owning a toaster is a part of America's culture and history, however studies had proven that none of the pilgrims ever actually owned one.
DD31, Have you tried Googling that SOF magazine? Maybe they have an archive link; and JM> that was funny!:sarcastic: