Looking for Gun Club In Hudson Valley NY


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I am in Ulster County NY and I am looking for a private gun club to join. I have been shooting a lot at Master Class Shooters in Monroe NY, but I am getting a little tired of paying 16 bucks an hour for range time, plus ammo after driving 30 minutes to get there. Walkill Rod and Fish Club wont let me join becuase I no longer live in on of the neighboring towns and the same goes for Walden Gun Club. Does anybody know of a club in the area? Anyone know anything about the Warwarsing Gun Club?
I was looking at that club. How do you like it? Family orientated? Fun? Good Upkeep? Would you recommend? Would you be willing to take me a on tour?
Well you could try Putnam County Fish and Game, but it's pretty far from you and they have about a year waiting list.
The place is a "sporting club" and are quite open about being anti military and Police tactical shooting - Like Personal Protection, unless you are a LEO. The Carmel Police train there.

I'm not a big fan.

There is also Kent Rod and Gun club. I know nothing about it. Never got an email back when I sent one about membership too!
As an Executive Board member, Firearms Instructor and RSO of the Kent Rod & Gun Club, I can assure you that we make every effort to respond to membership inquiries. Perhaps your e-mail was mis-directed, sent to the incorrect address or possibly ended up in the spam folder of our e-mail server. In any event, our apologies.

Like Putnam Fish & Game here in Putnam County, NY, our membership rolls are currently closed to new membership applications. Feel free to check back with us for updates; visit our website at: Kent Rod & Gun Club, Kent Cliffs, New York
I took an NRA course at the Warwarsing club you mentioned, but I'm not yet a member.
Very adequate facility, long range, trap etc. and at the time (I think two years ago) it was crazy cheap, like fifty bucks a year.
I am in Ulster County NY and I am looking for a private gun club to join. I have been shooting a lot at Master Class Shooters in Monroe NY, but I am getting a little tired of paying 16 bucks an hour for range time, plus ammo after driving 30 minutes to get there. Walkill Rod and Fish Club wont let me join becuase I no longer live in on of the neighboring towns and the same goes for Walden Gun Club. Does anybody know of a club in the area? Anyone know anything about the Warwarsing Gun Club?

Bethlehem Rod & Gun. Plattekill, NY. Trap, rifle & pistol ranges. Large stocked lake. Boats, clubhouse with kitchen, hundreds of acres of deer hunting, stocked pheasant preserve. $140 per year for the whole family. New members admitted June 2013
No residency requirements.
Master Class offered yearly memberships....at least they did when Dennis was around....call and ask...3 1/2 years for a reply...you my friend are a patient man...

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