Looking for advice on knife selection


New member
Now that I are a legal CCW-er type guy, I'm looking at my "less than lethal" options, too - most notably, a knife. State laws forbid carrying anything with more than a 4" blade. I've pretty much decided upon a folding tanto. If my pockets were bottomless, I'd just buy a benchmade and be done with it, but I'm on a budget. I'l looking to keep it in the $60 range, and I'd like it to have a belt clip.

So.. any suggestions on a good folding tanto with less than 4" of blade and a belt clip in the $60 range?
If you're looking for quality steel on a budget, I think CRKT (Columbia River Knife & Tool) is an excellent bet for you. They produce quality knives at an excellent price. Their Kit Carson designed M-16 series comes to mind when considering your requirements. I would also suggest you give a read through a book called "Street Steel" by Michale Janich. It is an excellent resource for someone looking to purchase and carry a knife for self defense. Using a knife for this purpose requires some skill and training, just as with a handgun. I would also suggest taking some training in this area if you're serious about using a knife as a back-up.
In your stated price range it would be hard to beat a Gerber or CRKT. I'm especially fond of the CRKT M16 and M21 Series. The blades are just under 4" and the price is great. You mentioned "less than lethal" in your post. Keep in mind that using a knife is considered use of deadly force. If you can legally pull a knife, you could have legally pulled a firearm.

When choosing a tactical knife, look for one that won't close on your fingers in a rough situation. Knives that only have a liner lock are notorious for closing when gripped really hard. The CRKT's have a dual safety system called Autolawks that won't let this happen. The Benchmade's are a great choice as well. Also look for a knife with a hilt or finger notch that won't let your hand slide forward if you were to stab it into something. You'd be surprised at how many criminals who stab someone get caught at an emergency room getting their fingers sewed up.

Here's are some links to a couple of the CRKT's:
CRKT M1614ZSF Desert Special Forces Combo Edge Knife
Columbia River Knife & Tool M16 Special Forces ComboEdge Knife
Just a quick after-thought. You mentioned you'd just as soon go out and buy a Benchmade were it not for the money. Benchmade has come out with a more affordable line of knives as of late. Given your requirements the Vex folder in a tanto blade comes to mind. As a beater, my Vex is excellent, though not with a tanto style blade.
I have a cold steel ti-lite vg-1, got a coouple benchmade, couple crkt, but I have to say my favorite is my Smith and Wesson H.R.T. I'm not sure the exact type of steel it is but it's the sharpest knife I've ever owned. It takes a better edge than the Cold Steel!!. Plus the edge lasts forever.(not that I abuse it but I do use it every day)

Seriously if you get one you won't regret it! I know people say "My knife is razor sharp" but this knife IS literally sharp enough to shave with...the blade says Smith & Wesson H.R.T. and on the reverse side says
I love my cold steel voyager i carry a large clip point nd have had it for several years . It holds a great edge.
of course i like the crkt as well
I sell knives at gun shows and the most popular is the MULE by ka bar. CRKT M-16 is another popular knife until they started making them with the auto lock. I have one on my table at the shows and I cant get rid of it.
CRKT M-16 is another popular knife until they started making them with the auto lock. I have one on my table at the shows and I cant get rid of it.

Why won't it sell with the auto lock. I wouldn't have purchased mine if it didn't have it. Nobody ever won a knife fight with a "speed re - holster". The same goes for a gun fight. I won't even consider a knife for primary carry that just features a liner lock. I do have a few of them as backups though.
most ppl don't like the fact that they have to pull back the lock to engage the liner. I also have 2 CRKT autos that are that way.you have to pull back the lock then depress the button for the blade to fly open. I don't mind the feature but I guess some ppl are lazy, like not wanting to take 5 extra seconds to put on your seatbelt.
On mine I only have to pull back the lock to be able to move the liner over for closing. The lock doesn't affect opening.
the lock on the anubis and pharoah that I have keep the blade from opening because they're switchblades. you have to hold the lock back while pressing the button so the blade can spring open, but you just have to depress the button to close it. the opposite of the manual opening knives.
Cold Steel gets my vote for affordability/value in this discussion... but I have to give a BIG nod to Kershaw's offerings as well. Try them out at a local store or gun show and find something you like!
OK, this is a bit off topic, but, why a knife??
Knives have some very bad legal connotations. They are almost always considered to be offensive weapons and you are more likely to go to jail for using a knife than shooting someone (according to a lawer friend and police I have talked to).
Knives are also very lethal, but have very little stopping power. The BG will (might) bleed out in a few minutes, but in the mean time, he has plenty of time to kill you.
A knife requires a high degree of skill to use well, you might get lucky and stab someone, but a good fighter will take it away from you if you are not trained.

If you want a defensive weapon with stopping power, try a ballpeen hammer, kobutan, or better yet, a cane.
Canes are wonderful things if you learn how to use them. The Chinese secret police have used them to great effect in HTH combat situation. The hook on the end can do some wonderful (vicious) things. One of my teachers cultivated a fake limp, he used to get first class upgrades when he flew.

But if you insist on a knife, I have always been partial to khukris......
OK, this is a bit off topic, but, why a knife??

Granted a gun is a better choice, but only if you have a choice. I'm not allowed to carry at work and a few other places. I carry knives because they are small enough to go in a pocket, lethal enough to get the job done and useful for other tasks.

I'm also trained in the use of knives. If I am forced to use one, I guarantee it won't take a "few minutes" for the bad guy to bleed out.

As for legal, a knife is a deadly weapon, as is a firearm. The same rules apply.
As far as less than lethal does this actually apply? We were told in our CCW class that the something like 60% of people stabbed die and only 30 some odd % of people die who are shot?? Don't know if the guy was just blowing smoke but he seemd very sure of his statistics..
Just a quick update - my search continues. I failed to mention in my initial posting that I was also looking for a serrated blade on that folding tanto. I've researched some, followed up on the suggestions y'all have given me so far, and while there are some fine knives, I haven't yet seen a combination of features/price that has made me say "THAT is the one."

The suggestion of walking sticks/canes caught my interest, and I have delved into that a little, too. There is something to be said for a walking stick - it can be a devastating weapon, if wielded correctly, although I think a 5 foot long walking stick would be a bear to conceal.:sarcastic:

At any rate, I've settled in for the long haul, and know some day, I will find JUST the knife for me. When that happens, I'll post my choice here.

Thank you all for your suggestions, I appreciate them :biggrin:
Check out this web/site. The owner is kind of a nut and you won't find any benchmade but what they have is fair prices and they are good to work with. RoadsideImports LLC
CRKT Elishewitz PHARAOH Black Tac Partially Serrated Switchblade Kit - SALE $79.99 This is the one I think I would like to have. Go to the search and type in sale. then go to highest to lowest price and its on about the 3rd page.
Now that I are a legal CCW-er type guy, I'm looking at my "less than lethal" options, too - most notably, a knife. State laws forbid carrying anything with more than a 4" blade. I've pretty much decided upon a folding tanto. If my pockets were bottomless, I'd just buy a benchmade and be done with it, but I'm on a budget. I'l looking to keep it in the $60 range, and I'd like it to have a belt clip.

So.. any suggestions on a good folding tanto with less than 4" of blade and a belt clip in the $60 range?

I gotta go with Benchmade. Even though the prices are on the high side.. I own 4 now and I'm looking at the Barage 580 full size for the next purchase. I also have 2 Kershaw knives I'm fond of.

Knives work for close encounters when wrestling with a loaded gun could end badly. Plus they work real nice if grabbed from behind and a neck hold is applied. Many other applications where a good knife can be a life saver.


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