You cannot legally take possession of the rifle in Utah because you are a California resident. The rifle must be shipped to an FFL dealer in California where you will DROS it and wait your 10 days. I've been told it's best to arrange with a dealer before you leave for Utah. Ask your dealer for details because there's a new hoop the CABOF (CADOJ?) makes shippers go through that just began in the last few weeks.
I'm not sure if California has its own law against it, but under federal law, long guns need not be shipped to an FFL in one's home state. Any adult nonfelon can purchase a long gun in any other state, subject to the laws of both states. The requirement to ship to an FFL in the purchaser's home state only applies to handguns. All such purchases can be conducted this way, but only for handguns is it mandatory.
Wow! Are you serious? I always believed that among states (note: this does not include D.C. since it is not a state) PRNJ and PRHI were the worst, but in light of the information I just saw, I'm beginning to rethink that.