Living here, shooting there


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I live in St. Louis, have a MO CC license and memberships in several ranges, two of which are in Illinois. One is a short drive across the bridge, the other is about an hour into the state. The two ranges in Illinois are both indoor, and with the way weather can get here in the Winter they're both places I'd rather shoot than outdoors in the woods in St. Charles County or the Missouri River bottom lands.

In MO I can drive around with loaded weapons (as long as they're out of sight). When we go to shoot in Illinois, we put the unloaded weapons in the trunk and the ammo and loaded magazines in a range bag in the cab of the car with us.

Is this the right way to do it? Are we transporting legally in Illinois? I'd hate to have a few grand worth of firearms confiscated.
I live in St. Louis, have a MO CC license and memberships in several ranges, two of which are in Illinois. One is a short drive across the bridge, the other is about an hour into the state. The two ranges in Illinois are both indoor, and with the way weather can get here in the Winter they're both places I'd rather shoot than outdoors in the woods in St. Charles County or the Missouri River bottom lands.

In MO I can drive around with loaded weapons (as long as they're out of sight). When we go to shoot in Illinois, we put the unloaded weapons in the trunk and the ammo and loaded magazines in a range bag in the cab of the car with us.

Is this the right way to do it? Are we transporting legally in Illinois? I'd hate to have a few grand worth of firearms confiscated.
Illinois law requires EVERYBODY to transport firearms unloaded and cased. It does not require that ammo be removed from te case or carried apart. But no loaded magazine or ammo in a gun.
Illinois residents are required to have an IL FOID to purchase, possess or transport firearms or ammunition.
Your Missouri CCW is proof tat a state has approved of your having arms, but Illinois does not honor the CCW otherwise, you can't carry.
You should have your range membership cards because the only authorized was to buy ammo in Illinois without an Illinois FOID are with a non-resident hunting license or for a shooting range competition.
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Why are you going to Illinois to shoot? Illinois doesn't support handgun ownership so why go thru the hassles of travelling there and giving them money.
Have you ever been to Top Gun Shooting Sports in Arnold? You said you have your MO CCW. Well, just strap on your weapon and walk right in.
I live in O'Fallon and it's only about 35 minutes away. They just opened their new store, 16 lanes (you can even shoot rifles in there now), plenty of rental guns if you want to try something else. All the accessories you would ever want and ammo.
It's not that expensive, $17 an hour for hourly membership. See their website for details.

Plus, I believe the MO law states you can have weapon in your vehicle either concealed or just laying in the seat or on the dash, don't even need CCW for vehicle in MO.
My memberships in my IL ranges are free. Both are indoor and state of the art. It's easier and cheaper to use them than pay $17 an hour down the road in Imperial or only shoot outdoors in good weather.

That's why I asked about the laws carrying weapons.
Hi guys! I am a transplanted Mo native living down in the Gunshine State now. Was a long time member of the Bench Rest Rifle Club out in the Mo River bottoms. Private club, outdoor shooting, but a great place and people. I know you said you preferred indoor, but if you change your mind go check them out.

All the best,
Gulf Coast Gunman

Edit - Hey I just googled the Bench Rest Rifle Club and it looks like they moved on out to Wright City. Looks like they have dramatically expaned the competition shooting as well.

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