New member
Under the guise of protecting us, the restrictions being proposed by our state and federal governments go far beyond protecting our children.
The call to ban guns is not about keeping Americans safe. It's about controlling us. Those rifles weigh heavy on the minds of people who want to eliminate our rights and force us to live by their decrees.
They know that each restriction imposed by the government reduces the peoples' ability to resist further changes, unwanted changes. We must not allow our elected officials and the administrators to have so much power and place so many restrictions on us that the only way back to freedom is through violence. And the violence would be extreme.
A government that does not interfere with the right to keep and bear arms is a government we do not have to fear. Our modern guns in the hands of everyday citizens are the final check and balance preventing us from losing control of our government.
People have always been willing to break the peace and risk their lives to REGAIN their freedom. We can choose peaceful oppression or we can take a stand against it and say, “You've gone too far,” and refuse to comply at every level.
The unrestricted and open display of modern weapons would be a sure indication that we are not being oppressed by tyrannical states and this administration.
They are "freedom rifles".
Efforts to restrict our free expression of speech and religion are constant. We are no longer protected against unreasonable search and seizure. There are lists of 'suspects' being compiled (and used, mistakes and all) that restrict our ability to travel.
I can see no efforts to preserve our freedoms except by non-governmental organizations. (The government and its media laugh at and dismiss these NGOs.) The laws passed by the government to provide for our health, safety, and well being are so overwhelming and the nets cast are so wide that our very freedom is at stake - not just some of our freedoms, all of them.
Such restrictions and requirements have already been imposed on an overwhelmingly good and innocent American People in the name of our safety, well being, and fairness 'for the good of the nation'. Obama and his followers' audacity is growing. More restrictions and requirements are sure to come.
"This is my last election ... After my election, I have more flexibility," whispered to an agent of a government whose intentions are not in America's best interests.
People, I hope you're paying attention to the big picture, that you're not being pacified by the polite smiles of the conniving government officials you see every day.
Write your state and federal Reps and Senators about your concerns. Write letters to the editor. Make people aware.
Copy and paste this post everywhere.
As to the actual effort to carry out unconstitutional orders, in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment:
The individuals in law enforcement, Homeland Security, FBI, NSA, Secret Service, National Guard, etc. are not mindless machines. All of them are citizens. Each will decide whether he is being ordered to commit a crime. Some will comply. Some will recognize it for what it is. Some will: get the flu, quit, leak information, or become informants for the local resistance. Some will jail the commanders who give the order, and some will join the resistance. Members of the National Guard (who have everything from pistols to tanks to F-15's) will also make the same decisions. Some units will join the resistance as totally intact units with all of their skills, technology, and weaponry.
Many, many citizens have military training: there are huge numbers of grunts out there who have not forsworn their oath to defend the country from enemies, foreign and domestic. We are grunts, snipers, tank drivers, missile technicians, explosives experts, communications specialists, pilots: from privates to sergeant majors, butter bars to generals, and seamen to admirals.
We are the best trained militia on the planet.
Thinking it is 'just' screwing the gun owners, the government would soon learn it had stuck its **** into a bees nest.
Citizens who protest against wars thousands of miles away would SCREAM when it started happening in their neighborhoods.
The 2nd Amendment, according to our enemies, reads: "A well regulated, disarmed population being necessary to the maintenance of an obedient, subjugated state, there can be no right to keep and bear arms."
The 2nd Amendment actually instructs the militia to maintain our free state, and then makes it illegal to disarm them.
Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein, and others are conspiring to commit a 'high crime' and have become the domestic enemy against whom scores of millions of us have sworn to defend the country.
Commanders in law enforcement and the military, it's probable that you will have to decide whether to obey the people placed over you, or the Constitution. Before you face that order, tell your CO whether or not you would comply. The result might be that the order would not be given.
Live Free Or Die
The call to ban guns is not about keeping Americans safe. It's about controlling us. Those rifles weigh heavy on the minds of people who want to eliminate our rights and force us to live by their decrees.
They know that each restriction imposed by the government reduces the peoples' ability to resist further changes, unwanted changes. We must not allow our elected officials and the administrators to have so much power and place so many restrictions on us that the only way back to freedom is through violence. And the violence would be extreme.
A government that does not interfere with the right to keep and bear arms is a government we do not have to fear. Our modern guns in the hands of everyday citizens are the final check and balance preventing us from losing control of our government.
People have always been willing to break the peace and risk their lives to REGAIN their freedom. We can choose peaceful oppression or we can take a stand against it and say, “You've gone too far,” and refuse to comply at every level.
The unrestricted and open display of modern weapons would be a sure indication that we are not being oppressed by tyrannical states and this administration.
They are "freedom rifles".
Efforts to restrict our free expression of speech and religion are constant. We are no longer protected against unreasonable search and seizure. There are lists of 'suspects' being compiled (and used, mistakes and all) that restrict our ability to travel.
I can see no efforts to preserve our freedoms except by non-governmental organizations. (The government and its media laugh at and dismiss these NGOs.) The laws passed by the government to provide for our health, safety, and well being are so overwhelming and the nets cast are so wide that our very freedom is at stake - not just some of our freedoms, all of them.
Such restrictions and requirements have already been imposed on an overwhelmingly good and innocent American People in the name of our safety, well being, and fairness 'for the good of the nation'. Obama and his followers' audacity is growing. More restrictions and requirements are sure to come.
"This is my last election ... After my election, I have more flexibility," whispered to an agent of a government whose intentions are not in America's best interests.
People, I hope you're paying attention to the big picture, that you're not being pacified by the polite smiles of the conniving government officials you see every day.
Write your state and federal Reps and Senators about your concerns. Write letters to the editor. Make people aware.
Copy and paste this post everywhere.
As to the actual effort to carry out unconstitutional orders, in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment:
The individuals in law enforcement, Homeland Security, FBI, NSA, Secret Service, National Guard, etc. are not mindless machines. All of them are citizens. Each will decide whether he is being ordered to commit a crime. Some will comply. Some will recognize it for what it is. Some will: get the flu, quit, leak information, or become informants for the local resistance. Some will jail the commanders who give the order, and some will join the resistance. Members of the National Guard (who have everything from pistols to tanks to F-15's) will also make the same decisions. Some units will join the resistance as totally intact units with all of their skills, technology, and weaponry.
Many, many citizens have military training: there are huge numbers of grunts out there who have not forsworn their oath to defend the country from enemies, foreign and domestic. We are grunts, snipers, tank drivers, missile technicians, explosives experts, communications specialists, pilots: from privates to sergeant majors, butter bars to generals, and seamen to admirals.
We are the best trained militia on the planet.
Thinking it is 'just' screwing the gun owners, the government would soon learn it had stuck its **** into a bees nest.
Citizens who protest against wars thousands of miles away would SCREAM when it started happening in their neighborhoods.
The 2nd Amendment, according to our enemies, reads: "A well regulated, disarmed population being necessary to the maintenance of an obedient, subjugated state, there can be no right to keep and bear arms."
The 2nd Amendment actually instructs the militia to maintain our free state, and then makes it illegal to disarm them.
Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein, and others are conspiring to commit a 'high crime' and have become the domestic enemy against whom scores of millions of us have sworn to defend the country.
Commanders in law enforcement and the military, it's probable that you will have to decide whether to obey the people placed over you, or the Constitution. Before you face that order, tell your CO whether or not you would comply. The result might be that the order would not be given.
Live Free Or Die