List of West Virginia CCW Instructors


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all ccw instructors in West Virginia. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a ccw instructor in West Virginia and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
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Valley Guns II
998 Arden-Nollville Rd
Inwood, WV 25428
Phone 304-229-4411

Jim Miller

Valley Guns is really hard to get in a class and if you can get 1 there is usually a 6 month wait at least. Jim Miller works law enforcment so he only works 15 days a month and will work with your schedule as much as he can. He does although Require that you take the Basic Handgun course and Home Protection, but he will teach both classes in 2 days if you request.
William T. Carroll
Link Removed

NRA certified instructor, classes fullfill all Ohio and West Virginia CCW permit requirements. Private and group classes avaiable. New shooter and those with phiysical differences a speciality.
Concealed Handgun Classes LLC

Concealed Handgun Classes LLC offer courses that allow you to apply for your Concealed Carry License. They schedule classes almost every week and have availability now. Their classes are about two hours long and are very informative.They are located in Shepherdstown WV. They charge $85 per person, but sometimes you can get a free class if you bring friends. Their phone number is 304-283-5700, and their website is the gun class. Iwould definitely recommend them.
WV & Ohio Conceal Carry Classes

Full time firearms Instructor teaching you top notch gun safety and training to the best of your ability. Day, Evening, and weekend Classes.Advanced Handgun, Shotgun, Reloading, Pepper spray, and Taser training. Look at Link Removed or call for appointments 304-389-5598, 3324 us rt 60 Huntington, WV 25705
Tri-County CCW
Reedsville WV
NRA Certified Instructors
NRA Certified Range
CCW, NRA basic Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun and Personal Protection, Advanced Handgun Classes
Centrally located between Kingwood, Grafton, Fairmont and Morgantown along Rt 7
We love to shoot and welcome you to enjoy this sport
From beginner to Master we work with them all
All female classes and one on one classes available
Physically limited students warmly welcomed, accomondations provided
WV & VA CCW instructor

Matt Howard is a NRA certified CCW in WV & VA

his address is 1211 Carefree Lane Boyce VA 22620
phone is 540-837-2794
West Virginia and South East Ohio CCW Instruction

Def-Tac Training, LLC is the largest firearms training organization in the Mid Ohio Valley. Formed from WT Carroll and Company and several independent firearms instructors. We are the exclusive trainer for High Caliber Guns and Ammo located in Parkersburg. Our training covers Basic pistol and CCW, Advanced Pistol, Tactical Shotgun, Competitive Pistol and much more including Law Enforcement training. Visit us at Link Removed.
Troy Mynes
[email protected]

Located in Kanawha County / Charleston

NRA Certified Handgun Instructor and Range Safety Officer. Group and private classes available conducted with classroom and private range on site.

NRA First Steps Orientation
NRA Basic Pistol

Female assistant instructor available.

Other disicplines and training available.
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Can anyone help me to find a NRA Pistol instructor in or around Martinsburg,
WV? I have tried to contact the NRA in Fairfax Va by web site and by phone,
and keep getting the run around.I have had several hand gun classes from
Advanced handgun to Concealed carry shooting and tactics courses.
My old NRA certifed teach Gary Bowers as since passed away or I would,
use him to get recertifed.Would be thankful for a name/phone no. of someone
who could help get me recertifed. Thanks.:cray:
West Virginia recertification

CNYEARGIN, West Virginia only requires training at some point prior to initial licensure and does not require refresher courses or recertification. Are you NRA certified?

I'am not,but after completing 3rd course with Gary Bowers at On Target Ent.
I had inquired about becoming a pistol instructor.At which point he stated
that with some more class room and a live fire test,which he could do,I would
be more than quailfied to be a pistol instructor.I did not pursue it because of
finances.I have been ccw since 2001 and due to layoffs in my line of work,
have decided to pursue a new line of work,that is a training instructor.
I started to pursue this last year and found out that Mr.Bowers,had passed
away.If you could help me out with this in any way,I would be ever so,
greatful.Please let me know,and thank you for your return message.

Link Removed

[email protected]

We are certified NRA instructors, and IDPA members (master class shooter).
Who enjoy shooting and teaching others to safely shoot for fun and self defense.
We are located just outside Morgantown WV. Our classes are held every Saturday from March till November.

The courses we curently offer are:

NRA Basic Pistol This course satisfies the educational requirements for Ohio and West Virginia concealed carry permits.
NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course
NRA Women On Target
Individual Training

As Def-Tac stated, WV only requires you to complete Safety Training once. If you are trying to become a NRA Instructor you need to contact the NRA or use their web site to locate a Training Counsler in or close to your area.

My next question to you and the site admin is if you are not an Instructor, as you have already admitted, why do you have the Instructor emblem.

I would hope that this site would start verifying this info to uphold integrity.
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I do verify all instructors. This was just an error. Thanks for the heads up.
Wv protection business for sale

We have a couple year old protection business we are liquidating due to health. Over 500 name addresses and phone numbers. We have everything you would need tables, chairs, projector, laptop, training pads, training guns, training knives, as well as many other items such as walnut desk shelving other desks filing cabinets decor.. we have a couple web domains you might be interested in as well as our phone number and yellow page advertising about $500 in target inventory about $1000 in leather holsters, belts, and purses, commercial hanging racks, among many others too many to list. Our commercial location is also available if you want to neg with landlord, email for more info and explain it interested in some or all.
Our advertising alone in the past 2 years has been $2,000 a year, people no we are here.
E. J. Smith in Charleston is a certified NRA instructor and does the required 4 hour safety training at 9:00 and 3:30 EVERY Saturday. He can be reached at 304-744-6567 or [email protected] and his classes are walk in. He provides the gun and ammo.

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