List Of Virginia Gun Ranges


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all gun ranges in Virginia. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a gun range in Virginia and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
Superior Pawn and Guns. 3 Locations. Little Creek Rd, Norfolk; Virginia Beach Blvd, VA Beach; W Mercury Blvd, Hampton
Looking for a RIFLE range in Northern Virginia (As far south as Stafford, As far north as Arlington/D.C. border, As far west as Chantilly, and East as Alxeandria/MD Border.)

All local ranges are handgun calibers only.
Bobs Gun Shop in downtown Norfolk as well as A&P Arms in Virginia Beach. Bobs has great customer service but can get busy on weekends. Anyone know of any good outdoor ranges in Hampton Roads?
Gilbert Small Arms Range Inc
(703) 550-8005
8194 Terminal Rd # M Lorton, VA 22079

Where I do most of my shooting.
Bobs Gun Shop in downtown Norfolk as well as A&P Arms in Virginia Beach. Bobs has great customer service but can get busy on weekends. Anyone know of any good outdoor ranges in Hampton Roads?
C2 Shooting Center in Pungo. Haven't shoot there yet but did visit. The place is clean and the folks are friendly.
I'm looking for a good rifle range in the Virginia Beach area, can drive a bit if necessary. Just starting up and want to target shoot with a simple 22. Anyone have suggestions?
Ranges in Charlottesville, VA

The Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club (RRPC) is a private shooting club in Charlottesville, VA.

The annual dues are only $100. The club's website Link Removed has information regarding how to join (Membership Tab).

They have Archery, Gun Collectors, High Nooners (Rimfire Bullseye), Cowboy Action, 5 Stand Sporting Clays, High Power Rifle, International Confederation of Revolver Enthusiasts (ICORE), International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), Skeet, and Trap.

They have ranges for Skeet, Trap, Rifle, Pistol, Long Range (300m), and Plinking (among others).
Gun Range in Fredericksburg, VA area

I just moved into Virginia and I am looking for a good rifle and pistol shooting range in the Fredericksburg area. Any help would be appreciated.

any help with public rifle and or pistol ranges in or around southcentral Va would be appreciated ..... im close to Lynchburg, Roanoke, or Danville,


OK, I followed the link that is supposed to give me a list of shooting ranges in VA, but I got nothing. Can anyone recommend a range in Richmond or a surrounding County?
NoVA outdoor ranges

I don't know of any public ranges but I have been a guest at one of the ranges that is part of a membership organization, the Izaak Walton League chapter in Manassas, VA. Very nice facility and I also found at least three other such ranges in this area from a web search. If you do a lot of shooting and like an outdoor range with at least 100yd targets, they are around. Sorry I don't have better information for you.
Range with Options

Anybody know of a Range where you can mopve from covered positions to engage targets?
Ultimate nothern va range pistol rifle

I just joined today, been there 2 years had no idea. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE you will freak when u see this place, check it out. u can rent pistol rifle up to ak47, scenario area with SUVs two stories tall, 3 ranges 10 lanes each, one is twice as long, state of the art lanes, coffee bar etc etc etc, it is a PRO place probably nicest on east coast usa. I joined family membership one year for 800 bucks following years are 55 bucks a month, non members can rent by hour. THEY ARE VERY FRIENDLY AND ALL ARE WELCOME. I am kicking my ass for not knowing that this place was like 5 miles from my house for the past two years. I have been going all the friggin way to crappy clarke brothers and their decrepit filthy cold outdoor dirt range thats 90 minutes away. And you have to buy their ammo. Not here, AC HEAT indoors great ventilation it is HEAVEN :)

I expect that they will eventually fill the membership and close it out once word gets out, they are NOT great marketeers, they have relied on gun show and word of mouth, WRONG, I am telling EVERYONE I know about this place. IT IS VERY UNDERUTLIZED right now, at 15% capacity if that much. located in ashburn va located near redskins park close to route 7 and route 28, few miiles from there. state iof the are and brand new new new.

Silver Eagle Group, LLC

44620 Guilford Drive
Suite 100


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