List Of New York Gun Ranges


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all gun ranges in New York. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a gun range in New York and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
Groton Rod and Gun Club
Elm Street Ext.
Groton, NY 13045
(607) 898-4627
Trap, Skeet, 5 Stand, ~100 yard rifle

Cortland Pistol Club (next door to GR&G, above)
888 Elm Street Ext
Groton, NY 13073
outdoor, 5 berms, USPSA and IDPA, Steel Challenge coming soon
Tompkins County Fish & GameClub
1649 East Shore Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850
Trap, Skeet

Lansing Rod and Gun Club
1649 East Shore Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850
Trap only
Glen Cove, NY (Long Island)

Long Island Shooters Club is a private club, that is part of the Glen Cove Range Commission. The range Commission in conjunction with the city, manages and maintains the range. The Range has a number of clubs.

Long Island Shooters Club
Glen Cove, NY

[email protected]
Rochester NY
Genesee Conservation league
15570 Old Penfield Road
Rochester, NY 14624

Tioga County Sportsmans Assn
Carmichael Rd
Owego, NY
IPI VERDAD Investigations and Protection, Inc announces new Tactical Firearms Training Facility in Central NY. Only 360 degree tactical range in the region. This is not a gun club, but a Firearms Training Facility for both individual instruction or group. NYS Division of Criminal Justice Law Enforcment and Security Guard Training School Range Certified. Ladies only, law enforcement and security professionals, shooters who want to improve skills. Low light pistol and carbine, close quarters pistol, shot gun or carbine, non-conventional shooting platforms and more. See our web site or give us a call to discuss your shooting needs.
About Us - Verdad Investigations
Master Class Shooters

Wallkill Rod and Gun Club
Walkill, NY

Walden Sportsman Club
Walden, NY

Bethlaham Rod and Gun Club
Plattekill, NY

Davis Shooting Sports
Goshen, NY
:no:I need a list of public ranges near Buffalo.

Tonawandas Sportsmen's Club is just 20 miles from downtown buffalo, and just 10 miles from most places in Amherst, Tonawanda and Clarence.

The outdoor ranges are open to the public for year round use for a fee. Non-member fee is $10 per day for use of outdoor pistol and outdoor rifle ranges - bring your own targets.

There is also a public indoor range on Niagara Falls Blvd. in Wheatfield, which is about the same distance, the Niagara Gun Range. I think they charge $17 per hour
Thank you.

Tonawandas Sportsmen's Club is just 20 miles from downtown buffalo, and just 10 miles from most places in Amherst, Tonawanda and Clarence.

The outdoor ranges are open to the public for year round use for a fee. Non-member fee is $10 per day for use of outdoor pistol and outdoor rifle ranges - bring your own targets.

There is also a public indoor range on Niagara Falls Blvd. in Wheatfield, which is about the same distance, the Niagara Gun Range. I think they charge $17 per hour
There is two more shooting range's one located @ Rhode Island and West Avenue. Once you become a member you receive the key that will allow you to enter the club whenever you like. I don't remember what the membership dues are. Or what days they are open for membership. The other location is near the Coast Guard base.
Indoor Pistol range Upstate NEW YORK

I live Near Plattsburgh, NY and having a serious time locating an indoor pistol range to practice in while I await my permit. I have taken several classes and all practice has been with rentals at the ranges. Can anyone tell me if they know of any similar ranges in my area or in a radius of no more than 2 hours away? thanks JD
Eastern Long Island NY Range info

Anyone have a real list of GOOD ranges on the East End of LI , say around or EAST of William in Brookhaven or east of there...I don't need to drive 40 miles west to practice. Have my permit for 2 months now and need this info so I can pick out a gun to fit me and my needs....and as the saying goes "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT"


hi, does anyone know if there are shotgun ranges, to shoot stationary targets, around Ithaca, New York? I'm looking to purchase a home defense shotgun (probably the mossberg 500), and I'm wondering if I would be able to use it at any local gun ranges. Thanks for the help

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