List Of Missouri Gun Ranges


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all gun ranges in Missouri. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a gun range in Missouri and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
South Central Missouri gun ranges

I can suggest two, in the West Plains area (I shoot at both of these)
#1) Anderson Services
County Road 3500
Mountain View, MO, 65548
(417) 934-2175
(417) 247-0233
Owner: Murray Anderson

Note: It'll cost you $5 a day to shoot here, and he's open Monday-Saturday (I believe, call him to verify this.) 10am-6pm. Murray is a gunsmith and firearms instructor. He has pistol and rifle ranges. He is a very nice guy, and a good gunsmith (He's worked on 2 of my guns, so far.) I will be able to say more about him as a firearms instructor pretty soon, as my wife and I will be taking his tactical pistol course. His website is at Home.

#2) The other is, I believe, operated by either the city, county, or state. It's called "White Ranch" and has rifle and pistol ranges. It is free to use, and you very seldom see anybody else there. Information about this range is at:
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It's open 7 days a week.
Columbia area

Target Masters
4101 N. Rangeline
Columbia, MO 65202
(573) 443-3700

Range is indoors, has 10 lanes, electric runners out to 25 yards and removable tables. It's pretty nice. Last I checked, it was $16/hr for non-members. Members can use it for free ($200/yr, IIRC). Members also get merchandise discounts as well.

Public Range: Finger Lakes
(Technically I think it's in the park that sits right next to Finger Lakes, but close enough.)

North of Columbia on Hwy 63.
It has 3 ranges available. Handgun, rifle and an intermediate. It's pretty nice as well, although you sometimes wonder about some of the "oh look, I'm cool with my AK on the 25 yard pistol range" kinda folks. Typical of a public range I guess.

Finger Lakes is free.
Top Gun Indoor Range, Imperial, MO

Top Gun Shooting Sports
6029 West Outer Road
Imperial, MO 63052
[email protected]
Top Gun Indoor Range....Imperial, MO

I took my concealed carry class and target test at this site. Very nice and knowledgable staff and very well stocked.

Top Gun's New Facility
Top Gun is proud to announce that we have begun construction of our new facility. The facility is located at 4075 West Outer Road in Arnold, just 2.5 miles from our current location.

The new location has 2 classrooms, 18 Rifle rated shooting lanes, and over 4,000 square feet of retail space. In appreciation of our yearly Silver Members, we have added a Member's Only shooters lounge.


Newton County

Fort Crowder southeast of Neosho has a pretty nice range. It's managed by the Dept. of Conservation, but unstaffed. They supply targets for free too. It's located Three and one-half miles east of Neosho on Route HH, east of the junction of Highways 59 and HH

They have Rifle, pistol, shotgun and archery ranges.

More information can be found here:
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I think the range is closed on Mondays.
Near Kansas City, MO

I go to Show Me Shooters (indoor range and gun shop) in Claycomo, MO.

It has 6 booths upstairs and 6 booths downstairs. Both are well ventilated.

Hrs are M-F 10 AM - 8 PM. Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM. Sunday Noon to 5 PM.

Annual fee $25. Daily member range fee $9. Daily guest or 1 day fee $12. Ladies free Wednesday.

287 US Hwy 69
Claycomo, MO 64119
(816) 452-4867

More info and directions at
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Additional Range/Training Center


Hope you are well...I recently established a training center/range complex near Cape Girardeau Mo and wanted to get it listed. Thanks.

SOTT-I LLC Midwest Training Center (MTC)
836 County Road 612
Cape Girardeau Mo 63701

Office # 931-232-6593
Office Fax# 931-232-6542
e-mail; [email protected]
Website; Link Removed

We are teaching civilian shooting enthusiasts (CCW included), law enforcement, corrections and military personnel/units.
Top Gun Shooting Sports
6029 West Outer Road
Imperial, MO 63052
[email protected]
Top Gun Indoor Range....Imperial, MO

I took my concealed carry class and target test at this site. Very nice and knowledgable staff and very well stocked.

Top Gun's New Facility
Top Gun is proud to announce that we have begun construction of our new facility. The facility is located at 4075 West Outer Road in Arnold, just 2.5 miles from our current location.

The new location has 2 classrooms, 18 Rifle rated shooting lanes, and over 4,000 square feet of retail space. In appreciation of our yearly Silver Members, we have added a Member's Only shooters lounge.



I was there the 5th of September, the first day the new range opened. Stan gave my adopted daughter, her husband and I the tour. This is a super nice place!
I keep hearing of a new range in St Peters near hwy 70 and 79 but cannot find any specifics such as name, location, etc. Anybody know?
In Missouri for the summer

I am going to be in Missouri for the summer and would like to go to the range once in a while. I see a lot of ranges listed but quite frankly I don't know where they all are.
I am going to be just south east of Kansas City. More specifically in Lone Jack. If you know of a good range close to there with a reasonable fee I would love to hear from you.

Lake City Shooting Range

This is a state range so all the funny rules apply but its a place too shoot.

It is actually right at the Lake City Ammunition Plant.
It is straight North of Lone Jack on 7 HY. on the East side of Independence.
About 30 minutes from Lone Jack.

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There are some indoor pistol ranges around the area attached too stores.
There also is a range at Lake Lotowana BUT I think the county still has it
closed for safety reasons.

If you can find somebody in the area that belongs too Pioneer Gun Club
They have a 380 acre range about 20 min. East of Lone Jack
Thanks Dave

That is just what I am looking for. I will be at Lake Paradise Apr till Oct so I am looking forward to checking out any ranges I can find.
Gun range in St. Peters

Hey, Follower, the range you are looking for is called Ultimate Defense, located at 590 Turner Blvd, St. Peters, MO. This is right at the junction of I-70 and Hwy. 79, in the industrial park where Krey Distributing is located. Been there recently. Very nice range; good people to work with.
#2) The other is, I believe, operated by either the city, county, or state. It's called "White Ranch" and has rifle and pistol ranges. It is free to use, and you very seldom see anybody else there. Information about this range is at:
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It's open 7 days a week.

This range is located off of HWY 17 west of West Plains, about 14 miles. The range is probably the nicest free public shooting range I have ever been to. My wife and I go there a couple of times a month, though rarely on weekends. Info for White Ranch can be had by calling the MDC @ 417-256-7161.

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