List of Minnesota CCW Instructors


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all ccw instructors in Minnesota. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a ccw instructor in Minnesota and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
I'm going to poke my nose in here and let people know I'm always available in the Twin Cities metro area, and some surrounding areas, for permit instruction.

Feel free to visit the website and email with any questions you may have.
A1 Instructors - Minnesota

Shade's Landing Inc. provides firearms training including concealed carry training exceeding the requirements for Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, Oregon, Virginia, Utah, Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Maine carry permits.

We also provide training for first time shooters in NRA Basic Rifle, Shotgun, and Pistol disciplines as well as Women Only courses.

Link Removed

Other online courses are available for Link Removed and Link Removed residents.

That's right - now you can study from the comfort of your own home or office and get the training you need for your carry permit! NOTE: MN requires a live fire qualification exercise that must be completed in person in Minnesota. Iowa and Wisconsin and many other states do not require live fire.

Providing training in these Minnesota cities: Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Henriette (near Pine City) and Isle.

Gary A. Shade (NRA Certified Training Counselor and Instructor, certified by the Utah BCI and Minnesota BCA)
Jason A. Shade (Certified Minnesota Firearm Instructor - Advanced Tactics)
Heather M. Shade (Certified NRA Instructor and Minnesota Firearm Instructor - Women Only Instructor)

Phone: 952-891-1537
Online registration:
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Gosh, looks like you are into a little of everything firearms related. I am looking to add to my CCW certification classes. What would you add first? what seems to be the best moneymaker. I am in N.C, and perhaps Kentucky, as we have a farm there. We wouldn't compete with you. What is your advice?
Add your UT with ND

Gosh, looks like you are into a little of everything firearms related. I am looking to add to my CCW certification classes. What would you add first? what seems to be the best moneymaker. I am in N.C, and perhaps Kentucky, as we have a farm there. We wouldn't compete with you. What is your advice?

You did not say whether or not you had your NRA INSTRUCTOR certifications. First get the NRA Instructor certification in the disciplines of Basic Pistol or Personal Protection Inside the home or Personal Protection Outside the home.

Once you have your NRA certifications get your UT certification as an instructor. See the UT BCI web site for information and forms. You do have to travel to UT to get your certifications.

Then apply for your N.D. test administrator certification from the state of North Dakota.

The rest is up to you how you want to mix and match your certifications to your client's needs.

Permit to Carry Training Offered in Minnesota

Rusty Ramirez, Training Specialist
Lisa Murphy/Denny Bure
Dan Lendborg/Sandy Miller
Tom Ramirez/Anders Gilstead

[email protected]
Permit to Carry (Minnesota, North Dakota, Florida and Utah) - Concealed Carry

Minnesota Permit to Carry
North Dakota Permit to Carry - Class I & II - offered in ND Only
Utah Permit to Carry
Florida Permit to Carry

Training Locations:
Bemdiji Gander Mountain
Duluth Gander Mountain
East Grand Forks Cabela's
Eau Claire Gander Mountain
Fargo Gander Mountain
Forest Lake Sportsman's Club
LaCrosse Gander Mountain
Mankato Gander Mountain
Prairie du Chien Cabela's
St. Cloud Parks and Recreation
Rogers Cabela's
Wadena B & R Guns
Your Home town?

Phone: 218-252-1631

Rusty Ramirez, MN/UT/Fl/ND and NRA certified instructor will be offering training in the Minnesota (New and Renewal), North Dakota, Florida and Utah Permit to Carry in the Fargo and Grand Forks area.

Rusty's experience in training includes 35 years as a Firearms Instructor/Rangemaster and Training Specialist in the Use of Force and Crisis Intervention.

The Utah Permit to Carry is a non-resident permit that North Dakota and Minnesota residents can obtain which will give them legal carry in over 28 states (including Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota). See website: Permit to Carry (Minnesota, North Dakota, Florida and Utah) - Concealed Carry for further information and pricing.

Dan Lendborg, Certified NRA Instructor will be offering NRA Basic Pistol/First Steps monthly. This course is for anyone who wants to understand the safety rules and basic function of handguns. Today, handguns are enjoying increased popularity due to the vast majority of states allowing law-abiding competent adults to carry them for personal protection. So as handgun become more present and their use increases, so goes the need for basic training. This course provides the handgun novice with the necessary safety, operational and practical handgun training needed to continue on to a permit to carry class or to just enjoy target shooting.

We offer the New Shooters Permit to Carry Class in Rogers Cabela's, Fargo Gander Mountain and East Grand Forks Cabela's.

Offering Women's Only Permit to Carry Classes and NRA Pistol Classes.

Watch for our new classes:
Combat Shotgun
Intro to Ar-15
Advanced Concealed Carry
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MN Carry Instructor

Mind Sight Training is now offering MN carry certifications and NRA Basic Pistol courses. Visit for more information.
Pro Carry USA

Hello Everyone!

Pro Carry USA is a new CCW (Permit to Carry) instructor organization certified to teach the permit to carry class in Minnesota.

We offer classes in the Twin Cities area (Brooklyn Center) and also in Cocato near Hutchinson, MN. Inquire to find out if we can teach a class in a location near you!



[email protected]

Phone Number:

(763) 732-9710

Instructor Name:

Jeremiah Sandahl

We also offer NRA classes as well as a multi-state permit course which includes the Florida permit and will soon include the Utah permit.
Non Resident

I was wondering if there is an instructor that can help. I am a Colorado resident. My company brings me up to Minneapolis every other week. I submitted my application to the Hennepin Sheriff's office and they rejected it because my Colorado certificate was older than a year. I submitted it again today from my home range dated last Friday and they rejected it again saying it wasn't a Minnesota instructor.

My issue is I am never here with any free time except in the evening and I usually take the light rail downtown. Is there an instructor who teaches downtown? A range?


Most instructors hold classes on Saturdays, but I'm assuming those will not work for you.

If you are willing to make a couple of later nights, we can work something out for a MN and/or UT permit in the evenings. I get off my other job about 8 PM and could meet you at our house or your hotel room for a few hours for 2-3 nights. Bill's Gun Shop in Robbinsdale is where we do most of our shooting. It's the closest range to downtown. We cover range fees as part of our classes.

If you are interested, feel free to call me at (763) 732-9710 or visit our website at to find out more information.

Jeremiah Sandahl
Pro Carry USA Instructor
I was wondering if there is an instructor that can help. I am a Colorado resident. My company brings me up to Minneapolis every other week. I submitted my application to the Hennepin Sheriff's office and they rejected it because my Colorado certificate was older than a year. I submitted it again today from my home range dated last Friday and they rejected it again saying it wasn't a Minnesota instructor.

My issue is I am never here with any free time except in the evening and I usually take the light rail downtown. Is there an instructor who teaches downtown? A range?



There's no range downtown, so that part isn't going to happen -- unless you can find some instructor who does the shady practice of, say, using a pellet gun or a laser training device in a hotel room. (I hope there aren't any, anymore, but there used to be.)

You've got two issues -- one is the lack of downtown range, and the other is the time limit, if you're only available in the evenings. There are some instructors who will do a quick-and-dirty class in two hours, but I wouldn't recommend any of them.

There's also Link Removed -- which is an expensive option (and one whose price is going up shortly), but one that might work for you. (Full disclosure: it's my own short class; full details at the website.)

For carrying in Minnesota, your best bet is probably a Utah permit, as much as I dislike saying that. Utah doesn't require a range, and I'm sure that there are some Utah-certified instructors who will run you through a quick class in your hotel room. Just avoid the Link Removed types.
i have read someplace there is a ccw class (or instructer) in Hermantown Minnesota can you let me know who or how i can reach him (or her)
Online Course


I don't know what information you are going from, but Bill's Gun Shop in Robbinsdale is pretty close to downtown.

We now offer a Permit to Carry Course Online at Minnesota Permit to Carry, Concealed Carry Courses where you can self-study the material and meet us for a Q&A and range qualification.

As for the Utah permit, we also are qualified to teach the Utah permit. However, we recommend that you support Minnesota and get a Minnesota permit, because New Mexico lost reciprocity with Utah because they were getting only the Utah permit instead of the New Mexico permit. We don't want to risk that here in Minnesota.

Utah, by the way, does not allow their instructors to teach by electronic means, so you'll have to come to an in-person session for the Utah permit, while Minnesota has approved our online course. (Although you can't shoot online...)

I don't know what information you are going from, but Bill's Gun Shop in Robbinsdale is pretty close to downtown.
Just over nine miles. I'm pretty familiar with the city, and with Bill's, which is why I use (and strongly recommend) Link Removed. It's worth a little extra driving; among other things, you'll make up in lower range fees what it costs you in gas, unless you're walking to Bill's and maybe even then. Plus, it's got a much better vibe, IMHO. The gangbanger and pseudo-gangbanger crowd never seem to hang out at BPR; I guess that's because they can't rent guns there.

You might want to consider meeting your students somewhere near BPR and doing your quals there; Bill's won't let you conduct instruction (and your Q&A is instruction) without renting a classroom. Your call, of course.
We now offer a Permit to Carry Course Online at Minnesota Permit to Carry, Concealed Carry Courses where you can self-study the material and meet us for a Q&A and range qualification.

As for the Utah permit, we also are qualified to teach the Utah permit. However, we recommend that you support Minnesota and get a Minnesota permit, because New Mexico lost reciprocity with Utah because they were getting only the Utah permit instead of the New Mexico permit. We don't want to risk that here in Minnesota.
Well, my opinion is that online carry classes run rather greater risks for everybody, but I've written about that extensively and fairly forcefully already (if you're interested, search for "hybrid" and/or "Coconut Charley"), and I don't see the need to repeat myself. You've decided to do them, and that's certainly your call. :stop:
No Coconuts


Thanks for your replies. I will have to look at the Burnsville Pistol Range. I am good friends with the people at Bill's and they will let instructors take students to the range without teaching at their range, as long as the class size is under 6. We try to keep our classes small so our students can get the most out of them. Our normal classroom course is 8 hours long and more thorough than many others. We still prefer people to take the classroom training, but there are some who can't make it to our regular classes, so we want them to still have opportunity to carry. We didn't take any shortcuts on our online course. We developed extra quizzes to test their knowledge and have everyone take a written test as well. The Q&A at the range is intended for us to get to know the person and observe them handling a firearm. If they display an unsafe attitude, we will not issue a certificate.

We also have a disdain for the Coconut Charlie types. We attended one such class and were not thrilled with the quality of instruction. We are inexpensive, but our content is thorough. It looks like you're doing a good job with your TCCarry Express. We have done evening courses as well on two nights with advanced students. You just can't show a person online how to properly hold and handle a firearm, which is what we do in person at the range. You can learn the laws, the effects of an encounter, and general knowledge about guns and ammunition on your own with a good text. That's what we're trying to accomplish.
A shortcut by any other name.


Thanks for your replies. I will have to look at the Burnsville Pistol Range. I am good friends with the people at Bill's and they will let instructors take students to the range without teaching at their range, as long as the class size is under 6. We try to keep our classes small so our students can get the most out of them. Our normal classroom course is 8 hours long and more thorough than many others. We still prefer people to take the classroom training, but there are some who can't make it to our regular classes, so we want them to still have opportunity to carry. We didn't take any shortcuts on our online course. We developed extra quizzes to test their knowledge and have everyone take a written test as well. The Q&A at the range is intended for us to get to know the person and observe them handling a firearm. If they display an unsafe attitude, we will not issue a certificate.

We also have a disdain for the Coconut Charlie types. We attended one such class and were not thrilled with the quality of instruction. We are inexpensive, but our content is thorough. It looks like you're doing a good job with your TCCarry Express. We have done evening courses as well on two nights with advanced students. You just can't show a person online how to properly hold and handle a firearm, which is what we do in person at the range. You can learn the laws, the effects of an encounter, and general knowledge about guns and ammunition on your own with a good text. That's what we're trying to accomplish.

And thanks for your kind words about TCCarry Express. (Actually, I prefer to have my students take the regular TCCarry class -- as part of BeginnerToCarry(tm), if necessary -- rather than Express. But some people just can't fit it into their busy schedules.)

That said, I'm of the strong opinion -- perhaps wrong, but not uninformed -- that online classes are, at their best, an inadequate shortcut, which is why I think that the Utah BCI was right to ban them (and, I believe, decertify instructors when they've been caught taking inadequate shortcuts), and wish our own BCA was still that wise, as they were when Jeff Luther (now Chief in Rogers; I'm proud to say, "I knew him when...") was running their carry permit instructor certified organization program. Maybe his replacement, Joshua Florell, will grow into the job... after Michael Campion stops filling the big chair at DPS.

As to Bill's having possibly relaxed their rules for outside instructors' classes (as long as they're small, which seems strange) that's certainly their prerogative. I don't do business with them; John Monson gave up asking me to, some time ago.

can you use a gun safety certificate from another state if it is not over a year old to get a Nevada ccw license or do you have to go to a nevada class??

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