Action Impact-Southfield MI
Action Impact Gun Range
25992 West 8 Mile Road,
Southfield, MI 48033
Telephone: +1 248 799 7300
M-F 10a-8p
SaSu 10a-6p
14 lanes, just opened up this year. I'm not sure of the distance, I think the max the readout says on the target controller is 21 yds, but I will check for sure next time and update this. This is a very nice facility, with excellent ventilation system, very well staffed with qualified staff.
This facility is 5 minutes from my office, and on the way home. I took the CCW class here. They offer a series of tactical classes, and have a "Tactical Tuesday" every tuesday. I haven't attended this yet.
I purchased one of my Glocks here - i could have spent a little less going to one of those large sporting goods stores, but wanted to support this facility. I can't shoot at those large stores. Also, they give 30 days free range time with a handgun purchase. What better way to encourage getting familiar with a new purchase? As often as I have gone in this month so far, I'm ahead.
I inherited a .303 Enfield that had been "sportserized" but had never fired it. I took the rifle in and had their gunsmith check it out and test fire it. Used that free range time to fire off a few rounds. They allow rifles up to 308.
If anyone reads this, and wants more info, send me a PM after you ask here, I may not notice you asked a question.
If you ever find yourself in the Detroit area, and need a range, you will not be dissapointed. For those of you not fimilar with Detroit, 8 mile Rd is the northern border of Detroit.