I am a Ma. certified Basic Firearm Safety Instructor #BFS001552 based in Plymouth, I travel the state giving the required course for the last eleven years for LTC/FID. I am a NRA Law Enforcement Firearms instructor #22402884, Also a Utah certified Instructor for the non-resident CCW, #I102213, and a Sig Arms certified Low Light Instructor. My civilian NRA certifications include Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Black Powder Rifle, Home Defense, and Personal Defense. A GOAL member and am listed under instructors at fsguns.com. I have been Involved in the shooting sports since 1964. You can find detailed information for classes at my website, mafirearmsafety.com {Your livingroom is my classroom.*} Also checkout my 'Gun Sense' series. Sincerely, Mark Shean