List of Massachusetts CCW Instructors


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all ccw instructors in Massachusetts. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a ccw instructor in Massachusetts and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
Contact the Gun Owner's Action League in Northboro - their monthly newsletter lists the instructors who chose to advertise. Instructors are certified by the Mass State Police (and in almost all cases NRA certified also) for a number of courses - not just for those necessary for the License to Carry "A" - All Legal Purposes- e.g. concealed , but also "B" (long arms and pistols in the home) and Firearms ID cards
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Robert J. McDermott
  • NRA Training Counselor
  • NRA Certified Instructor
  • NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
  • MA State Police Certified Instructor
  • Utah BCI Certified Instructor
My partner is John Oswecki who also holds the above credentials. Our NRA Basic courses are presented by a group of NRA Instructors who utilize the Team Teaching concept to present a multi-modal learning experience with Total Participant Involvment. We also provide information on the licensing process, legal requirements for ownership, storage, transportation, etc.

NRA Basic Pistol courses scheduled monthly at the Hartford Gun Club in East Granby, CT (just west of Bradley Airport). Facility includes classroom and indoor range. MA State Police BFS Certificate included. This course meets both MA and CT licensing requirements.

NRA Home Firearm Safety course at the Stockbridge Sportsmen's Club in Stockbridge, MA (southern Berkshire County). Course meets MA requirements for both LTC and FID.

Utah Concealed Firearm Permit course at the Hartford Gun Club in East Granby, CT and at Paladin Firearms in New Marlborough, MA (southern Berkshire County). A Utah permit is accepted by 30 states if issued to a non-resident. We also issue a certificate for the Utah course that is accepted by Florida, plus we provide a Florida non-resident application package.

NRA Instructor Training courses, Range Safety Officer and Chief Range Safety Officer courses conducted in both MA and CT.

For more information and current schedule, visit
CCW Point Blank

This is neither a Basic Home Safety nor a Basic Pistol Course; this program was developed with the cooperation of Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, designed specifically for Civilian Concealed Carry Applications. Do to the material that we cover the program is 16-20 hours long and the class is kept to a small size. We utilize the AFS. facility in N. Attleboro Ma for both classroom and range. All of our drills are presentation from the holster under stress fire conditions. We also offer Non Resident Florida Concealed Weapon License and Individual Training. References gladly given upon request.
For additional Information view our web site
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Phil Donahue
CCW Point Blank
Ma State Police Certification LTC-018

“Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.” Jeff Cooper
NRA & MA State Police Certified Instructor

AimRight Firearms Training
Ruben Rivera
Chief Firearms Instructor
Basic Pistol
First Steps Pistol
Home Firearm Safety
Personal Protection Inside The Home
Refuse To Be A Victim
Ma State Police Certification # BSF-003068

I Am Also Mobile, if for some reason you are unable to get to me I can go to
your home or office to conduct the class!!

Private or small group instruction Available
[email protected]
I am a Ma. certified Basic Firearm Safety Instructor #BFS001552 based in Plymouth, I travel the state giving the required course for the last eleven years for LTC/FID. I am a NRA Law Enforcement Firearms instructor #22402884, Also a Utah certified Instructor for the non-resident CCW, #I102213, and a Sig Arms certified Low Light Instructor. My civilian NRA certifications include Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Black Powder Rifle, Home Defense, and Personal Defense. A GOAL member and am listed under instructors at I have been Involved in the shooting sports since 1964. You can find detailed information for classes at my website, {Your livingroom is my classroom.*} Also checkout my 'Gun Sense' series. Sincerely, Mark Shean
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I teach courses allowing people to :

*apply for their Massachusetts Resident or Non-Resident LTC or FID Card (LTC-002 and LTC-007).
*apply for their Utah, Maine, or Florida Non-Resident LTC

I have my certifications as a Massachusetts State Police Certified Basic Firearms Safety Instructor, Utah State BCI Certified Concealed Firearms Instructor, and NRA Certified Instructor & Range Safety Officer.

I choose to have smaller size classes because I want to ensure that a person feels comfortable in class and receives the personal attention they deserve for something as serious as firearms safety. Safety is paramount!

For more information or to contact me, please visit my website homegunsafety.

You can also join or renew your membership for the NRA if you do not already belong to stay on top of what's happening with firearms and politics, 2 topics near and dear to all of us!


Mike Burchman
Firearm safety awareness

Hello Mike, I checked out your website, very nice, keep up the good work. Sincerely,
Mark Shean
Mass Gun Permit - NRA & MA State Police Certified Instructor

LTC-007 Course for pre-requisite certification necessary for LTC Class A/Class B gun permit application.


That's right, I come to your home or office to give the class. Full information can be found at my website:

You can also visit my Facebook page for lots of gun-relevant posts at:

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