List Of Maryland Gun Ranges


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all gun ranges in Maryland. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a gun range in Maryland and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
North American Rod And Gun Club ( Hagerstown, MD)

12108 Belvedere Road
Hagerstown, MD 21742

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Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. Range

Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc.
11518 Marriottsville Road
Marriottsville, MD 21104
Open 363 days a year extreme weather permitting.
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Ranges and Facilities:
Pistol Range, 50 covered Firing Positions, 50 Yards deep
Barnes Range House
Barnes Multi-Purpose Range 100 Yards, At least 50 covered firing positions
Benchrest Range
High Power 200 Yard Range 10 covered firing positions, great target carriers in the pits.
Memorial Hall
Indoor Pellet Range
Trap Range Voice activated trap field, 15 standard positions, 5 wobble trap positions, open to public Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., Sunday afternoons from 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., Saturday afternoons from 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. (effective March 27, 2010)
Shotgun Patterning Range
Archery Range with elevated platform for tree stand simulation

This is one of the largest ranges in Maryland. Membership is required unless attending with a member or on the public trap range.
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Gun Range

Continental Arms Inc.
Indoor Pistol Range
9603 Deereco Road, Suite 500
Timonium Md. 21093
Also they buy,sale,trade firearms
They rent firearms
NRA Certified Instructors and training also
mon-Fri 10AM-9PM
Sat 9AM - 7PM
Sun 9Am- 6 PM
Indoor gun Range- Maryland

Indoor Gun Range
On Target
2618 Annapolis Rd.
Severn Md.
410-551-7777 (Balto)
They buy and sell and rent firearms
BY the hour or memberships available
Hap Baker Firearms Facility
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The address listed on the pdf isn't for the range itself. The range is located within the confines of Carroll County's "Nortern Landfill" which is at 1400 Baltimore Boulevard
Westminster, MD 21157
Cresap Rifle Club

Cresap Rifle Club
6420 Plant Road
Frederick, MD 21702
GPS Coords 39.41113, -77.357184
Open to public on Sunday 10am - 3pm

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