List of Indiana CCW Instructors


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all ccw instructors in Indiana. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a ccw instructor in Indiana and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
Because Indiana does not require any training for a permit, I'm not sure there are any CCW instructors who teach an Indiana-specific course.
NRA rifle, pistol, and personal protection..... an hour north of Indianapolis. Saturday-Sunday classes or weeknights. Groups, or one to one. Private range, firearms and ammunition provided.


I live Southwest of Indianapolis (mooresville) and am certified to teach NRA Basic Pistol, personal protection in the home, personal protection out of the home and Refuse to be a victim and Self Defense in this area. 10 years handgun teaching experience and 30+ years experience in self defense. My email is [email protected] and phone is (317) 507-4396.
Jay my fiance and I want to take a pistol course so we can both come up to date with rules and shooting classes. I have taken a michigan ccw class and my fiance wants to take one also and im not sure where in indiana close to south bend we can take one together or we could possibly get a course with you. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you juniorh
Jay, have you worked with any Handicapped shooters? Do you know any instructors in central Indiana that has if you haven't? Both of my rotater cuffs are bad and I can't extend my arms either forward or to the side. Imagine shooting with both elbows glued to your sides. Obviously a laser sight will help, but otherwwise I think I'm limited to point and shoot. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

Where north of Indy and do you have a web site?

I dont' have a web site. All of my advertising is word of mouth. I teach in Grant County. It's about an hour north of Indy. I have my own range, and I don't teach more than 5 at a time. One on one is not a problem, and does not incur extra charges. There are a couple of techniques that may be useful to you. If you'd like to get together, we'll see what we can figure out. Other than time, and gas, there will be no cost to you unless I can benefit your shooting situation.

Training southern, IN

Sorry for the delay, I have not been on the website in some time. I teach classes in Waverly and Martinsville.One on one or groups. I teach Basic and Personal Protection courses as well as self defense.
Anything I can do to help just let me know.
NRA & CCW Training at Indy Gun Safety.

Indy Gun Safety is the largest NRA training center in the Indianapolis metro area. We are also the number one NRA recruiter in the United States in the Instructor catagory with nearly 1000 members recruited this year!

We offer the NRA Basic Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home, Home Firearm Safety and Range Safety Officer Courses. Most of our courses meet the training requirements of the state of Florida for a non-resident CCW license.

Indy Gun Safety also offer a Defensive Pistol/Concealed Carry course that places you in real life situations and covers the safety officer concept, holster draws from concealment, shooting on the move and from retention, using cover and concealment and much more! This course is a great primer and introduction to the shooting sports like IDPA and USPSA.

We offer a $25 discount if you sign up a second person when you register! We also offer discounts on combo courses as well (i.e. Basic and Defensive Pistol)

Indy Gun Safety is located in Fishers (NE Indy area) near the intersection of SR 37 and 131st Street.

The state of Indiana has no training requirement to obtain a License to Carry a Handgun, (LTCH)
but responsible gun owners are coming out of the woodwork to seek frearm safety training.

Please see our web site, www.IndyGunSafety for more information.
Indiana Instructor

I thought I had been listed as an Indiana Instructor before, but it appears to have gone missing.

North Central Indiana Instructor. NRA Pistol Instructor in the Lafayette, IN area. Teach three courses each year in April, June and August at the Linden Conservation Club (index) and can do others.

Van Phillips
[email protected]
NRA Instructor multiple Disciplines /Utah CCW-Richmond, IN

I am NRA Certified in multiple disciplines along with Utah Licensed CFP Instructor.
Basic Pistol
Personal Protection in the home
Refuse to be a Victim
Shotgun Shell and Metallic Cartridge reloading
Range Safety Officer

Ohio CCW and Utah CFP(ccw)

Corporate consulting in Crime Avoidance and Crisis Management and Personal Defense

see our website at

Bruce Campbell
Richmond, IN
[email protected]