List of Hawaii CCW Instructors


Staff member
This thread will be used to list all ccw instructors in Hawaii. If you would like to help, please post the name, address, phone number, and any other information of a ccw instructor in Hawaii and I will list keep them listed in this first post alphabetically.
We don't have "CCW Instructors" here in the state of Hawaii, but residents are required to take a firearms safety class to purchase a handgun. There are various classes defined in Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 134. Two classes that satisfy the training requirement are the "NRA Basic Pistol" and "NRA First Steps Pistol" classes. I teach both, and would enjoy helping any list member who needs the required training.

Still no CC permits being issued by any LE agencies here in PRHI, but there may be hope as the current police chief in Honolulu will be retiring in July. :biggrin:

I did recently complete the UT CFP instructor class. Anyone living in PRHI who wishes to apply for a UT CFP and needs the class, contact me and we can set something up.

We don't have "CCW Instructors" here in the state of Hawaii, but residents are required to take a firearms safety class to purchase a handgun. There are various classes defined in Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 134. Two classes that satisfy the training requirement are the "NRA Basic Pistol" and "NRA First Steps Pistol" classes. I teach both, and would enjoy helping any list member who needs the required training.


Thanks for clearing that up.. I wasn't sure if you guys had CCW instructors in Hawaii. I am planning on moving there in the next 6 months so thats good to know.

Yeah... those planning to move to Hawaii will be quite shocked as to how strict gun laws are here. The laws here rival California and even New York! Ironically though, there is no limitation on the carry of knives concealed or unconcealed.. however... dont be suprised when you are stopped by a cop cuz your walkin down the street with a machete on your back. :biggrin: I cant wait to get back to Nevada. Land of Dreams!
CCW and Instructor Course

I'm a former SSgt in AF Security Forces and a former HPD officer. Yep, no such thing as a CCW here! Can't wait til the politicians wake up and smell the gunpowder, realizing it's from the bad guys' guns!! We law-abiding citizens are pretty sick of being shot at, stabbed and assaulted in every kind of way, and that's in our own HOMES! Now we have an ex-hippie as Governor so we'll NEVER see CCW while he's in office. They say it's up to the police Chief but he won't do anything if he's not urged by the Executive branch and that's the ex-hippie. So....oh well. (no offense to any ex-hippies out there!)
I want to become a firearms instructor here and need to know how to go about doing that. If anyone out there knows of a class here on O'ahu, please give a shout out! Mahalo! Kiki
I'm a former SSgt in AF Security Forces and a former HPD officer. Yep, no such thing as a CCW here! Can't wait til the politicians wake up and smell the gunpowder, realizing it's from the bad guys' guns!! We law-abiding citizens are pretty sick of being shot at, stabbed and assaulted in every kind of way, and that's in our own HOMES! Now we have an ex-hippie as Governor so we'll NEVER see CCW while he's in office. They say it's up to the police Chief but he won't do anything if he's not urged by the Executive branch and that's the ex-hippie. So....oh well. (no offense to any ex-hippies out there!)
I want to become a firearms instructor here and need to know how to go about doing that. If anyone out there knows of a class here on O'ahu, please give a shout out! Mahalo! Kiki

You're kidding about ex-hippies being on this sight right??? :laugh:

I'm a NRA Training Counselor and can provide the training in one of many disciplines. I also teach the Utah CFP class if you're in the market to get a Utah Concealed Firearms Permit.

I'm working on putting an instructor class together. I need at least 4 qualified instructor candidates to do so.

Hey GF,

Are you here on O'ahu or in Utah? Yeah, I was kidding about ex-hippies being on the site. Of course, one can always hope they'll convert :sarcastic:

What courses do you teach and how much do you cost?
Hey GF,

Are you here on O'ahu or in Utah? Yeah, I was kidding about ex-hippies being on the site. Of course, one can always hope they'll convert :sarcastic:

What courses do you teach and how much do you cost?

I'm on Oahu for now. What classes are you interested in?
CCW and Instructor Courses

Hey GF!

Did you see my last post? I'd like to do the Home Security and/or pistol instructor course(s). So how much would that cost?
I'm guessing "pistol" listed at the bottom of your thread means "basic pistol" course. So yes, that and Home Firearms Safety. I'm just trying to get an idea of how much it costs to be an instructor. Thanks!