# Bridgeville - Lower Shore Skeet Club, Rabbit Run Rd., Bridgeville, DE 19933.
Phone: 302-337-7396
Facilities include: Skeet
Range Access: Private
[email protected]
Click here for a map to the business:
# Dover - Shooter's Choice, Inc., 5105 N. Dupont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901.
Phone: 302-736-5166
Facilities include: Indoor Pistol (50, 75 ft. ), Indoor Rifle (50, 75 ft)
Range Access: Public
Web Site: www. shootersline.com
Click here for a map to the business:
# Dover AFB - Dover AFB Skeet & Sporting Clay's Range, 436 SVS/SVRO 262 Chard St., Dover AFB, DE 19902.
Phone: 302-677-3960
Facilities include: Skeet, Sporting Clays
Range Access: Public
Click here for a map to the business:
# Elsmere - Delaware Rifle & Pistol Club, B & O Lane & Mathias Ave., Elsmere, DE 19805.
Phone: 302-995-9956
Facilities include: Indoor Pistol (50 ft), Pistol Silhouette, Archery
Range Access: Private
Click here for a map to the business:
# Georgetown - J.D. Defense, Us Rt. 9 3 1/2 M. west of US Rt. 113, Georgetown, DE 19947.
Phone: (302) 856-6910
Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol (30 yds.), Outdoor Rifle (130 yds.), Muzzleloading
Range Access: Public
[email protected]
Click here for a map to the business:
# Greenwood - Owens Station Shooting Preserve & Sporting Clay Range, 12613 Hunter's Cove Rd., Greenwood, DE 19950.
Phone: 302-349-4478
Facilities include: Muzzleloading, Trap, Sporting Clays
Range Access: Public
Web Site:
Owens Station Hunting Preserve - Preserve Hunting at its best!
Click here for a map to the business:
# Gumboro - Sussex Sportsman's Club, Inc., Corner of RDS 419 & 420, Gumboro, DE 19966.
Phone: 302-238-7475
Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol (40 yds), Outdoor Rifle (400 yds), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading
Range Access: Private
Click here for a map to the business:
# Middletown - Brandywine Hundred Rod and Gun Club, Throntown Rd, Middletown, DE 19803.
Phone: 555-555-5555
Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol, Outdoor Rifle (50,100,200), Rifle Silhouette, Pistol Silhouette, Muzzleloading, Skeet, Archery, Airgun
Range Access: Private
Web Site:
Brandywine Hudred Rod and Gun Club Home
[email protected]
# Milford - Bridgeville Rifle & Pistol Club, LTD, Rifle Range Road, Bridgeville, Milford, DE 19963.
Phone: 302-422-0233
Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol (25-100 yds), Indoor Pistol (25 yds), Outdoor Rifle (100 to 600 yds), Indoor Rifle (50 yds)
Range Access: Private
Web Site:
Bridgeville Rifle & Pistol Club, LTD.
Click here for a map to the business:
# New Castle - Delaware State Pistol Club Inc., 624 Moores Lane, New Castle, DE 19720.
Phone: 302 328 6836
Facilities include: Indoor Pistol (75), Pistol Silhouette, Airgun
Hours of Operation: see schedule
Range Access: Private
Web Site:
Home - Delaware State Pistol Club
# New Castle - Ommelanden Hunter Education Training Center, 1205 River Road, New Castle, DE 19720.
Phone: 302-323-5333
Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol (25 yds), Outdoor Rifle (50 yds), Muzzleloading, Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, Archery, Airgun
Range Access: Public
Click here for a map to the business:
# Newark - Wilmington Trapshooting Association, 2836 Pulaski Highway (Rt. 40), Newark, DE 19702.
Phone: 302-834-9320
Facilities include: Trap
Range Access: Public
Click here for a map to the business:
# Seaford - Nanticoke Sportsmen Club, Inc., Concord Bethel Rd., Seaford, DE 19973.
Phone: 302-629-4125
Facilities include: Outdoor Pistol (0-50 yds), Indoor Pistol (25 yds), Outdoor Rifle (50-200 yds), Indoor Rifle (50 ft), Muzzleloading, Trap, Archery
Range Access: Private
Click here for a map to the business:
# Wilmington - Delaware Rifle and Pistol Club, Inc., 508 Belmont Ave., Wilmington, DE 19804.
Phone: (302)995-9956
Facilities include: Indoor Pistol (50 ft.), Indoor Rifle (50 ft.), Pistol Silhouette, Airgun
Hours of Operation: 24 hours/365 days
Range Access: Private
Web Site:
Delaware Rifle & Pistol Club