Liberal Bashing


Please, folks, let's not bash liberals for not knowing or agreeing with anything to do with firearms or CCWs or whatever. I'm a liberal, and I get it. I own, I carry, and my CCW is on its way. I know some conservative people who don't get it. It has nothing to do with either a liberal stance or a conservative one. It's a mind set and it's education. I'll probably get lamblasted for this post, but that's okay. I'm just trying to inform. If you don't want to read my posts then that's okay too. If you disagree, then that's okay too. But, please think about it. You know at least one informed liberal. Now you can help me out if you care to. Play nice. Don't bash. Instead, go out and educate.
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Yes, we conservatives DO tend to paint liberals with a wide brush, and that truly isn't fair to those liberals, such as yourself, who do "get it.'

I agree that education is the key, rather than one's political stance, as to 2nd Amendment issues. Unfortunately, most politicians who favor gun control are liberal democrats and THAT'S the reason for the wide paintbrush. THEY have made it a political issue, not us - we're just trying to defend our 2nd Amendment rights.

So please do yourself a favor and not be so thin-skinned when some conservative places you in his/her crosshairs regarding the 2nd Amendment. If you find this hard to do, then make a right turn and transition to the conservative end of the political scene.:biggrin:

Now, about liberals ruining this great country - well that's another thread all together!!:smile:
The problem is with the liberal platform. When it stands for anti-gun, pro abortion and a litany of socialist programs then it's hard not to put all liberals in the same kettle. If anyone doesn't agree with the liberal platform then maybe they are not a true liberal. Maybe an independent.
I agree with gdcleanfun. It does conservatives about as much good to have loons such as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh on their side as it does liberals to have loons such as Al Franken and Michael Moore on theirs.
I agree with gdcleanfun. It does conservatives about as much good to have loons such as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh on their side as it does liberals to have loons such as Al Franken and Michael Moore on theirs.

True - there are nuts on both sides of the issue, but I think reasonable people can look beyond the rantings of an Ann Coulter or Michael Moore. Or at least they should try.:yes4:
Very well made points in this thread.

My problem with liberals only is when they try to FORCE their views upon me and try to tell me my views are bad. I do not walk around trying to force any of my views on others, and I expect the same respect in return. I do stand up for my 2A rights, but I do not say "you are WRONG, your views are STUPID, your an IDIOT, you lack education, when are you going to grow up, you are so backwards for your way of thinking", all of which I have heard before because of my concern for the 2A and my views.
Very well made points in this thread.

My problem with liberals only is when they try to FORCE their views upon me and try to tell me my views are bad. I do not walk around trying to force any of my views on others, and I expect the same respect in return. I do stand up for my 2A rights, but I do not say "you are WRONG, your views are STUPID, your an IDIOT, you lack education, when are you going to grow up, you are so backwards for your way of thinking", all of which I have heard before because of my concern for the 2A and my views.

Let me be the devil's advocate here:wink:....I'm sure some conservatives are guilty of the same inane, bullying and intransigent views as the ones you've experienced from liberals. Idiots on BOTH sides of the 2nd Amendment issue do nothing to advance their causes or educate the masses. If anything, they just alienate those they wish to convince.
Let me be the devil's advocate here:wink:....I'm sure some conservatives are guilty of the same inane, bullying and intransigent views as the ones you've experienced from liberals. Idiots on BOTH sides of the 2nd Amendment issue do nothing to advance their causes or educate the masses. If anything, they just alienate those they wish to convince.

yeah yeah true. haha
Tax and spend or smaller gov. that is the question.When the people see they can vote themselves a raise then republic will discontinue to exist.Liberal socialism will replace it.:mad:
Tax and spend or smaller gov. that is the question.When the people see they can vote themselves a raise then republic will discontinue to exist.Liberal socialism will replace it.:mad:

It's not quite as simple as that. On the left side of the political spectrum, there is support for abortion, higher taxes, support for labor unions, environmentalism, gay rights, and gun control; in other words, all things "progressive.' On the right, there is support for rights for the unborn, lower taxes, an environment more favorable for business, and support for the second amendment and a stronger military; in other words, all things "traditional."