Once again. Its the violent person behind the tool that's dangerous not the tool itself.
I was at walmart to buy some ammo a while back. It was kinda late and the employee informed me that because of a new story policy he'd have to walk me to the front to pay. When I asked why he said that one of the managers said that it scared customers when they saw someone walking around with ammo. The employee then said he thought it was a stupid policy considering just the month before a customer picked up an ax off the shelf and sunk it into a co-worker. When asked if they moved the axes he just said nope they are still just hanging there.
I'll cut that axe handle in half, bevel the edges, drill a hole, put a bearing assembly in, connect it with a good chain, and have...an axe-chuk! :13: Ideal for medieval battles, chopping down trees that try to run away, and...probably self-decapitation.
The employee then said he thought it was a stupid policy considering just the month before a customer picked up an ax off the shelf and sunk it into a co-worker.
It's about time that the "BATFE" add more letters to their current "Alphabet Soup". Maybe they can now be know as the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and Dangerous Unstable People" (BATFEDUP)