Lethal vs. Less Lethal ammo for self defense


Just like with these people who take pride in taking it upon themselves to stay out of and inform the the business owner about refusing to shop in their store because of a sign. Even if I was one of these people, which I'm not, I wouldn't tell them about it because again, it's pointless. They don't care that you wish to shop elsewhere.
Just can't let it go can you? So pathetic!
Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
Just can't let it go can you? So pathetic!
I was just using that as an example. Sorry if I struck a nerve that wasn't healed yet!...lol.
Typical passive-aggressive snowflake response. But then everyone here has seen your postings and know exactly what to expect from you.

Again you may have the last word since you have proven over and over that you absolutely have to have the last word.

Have a nice day.
. . .
Just like with these people who take pride in taking it upon themselves to stay out of and inform the the business owner about refusing to shop in their store because of a sign. Even if I was one of these people, which I'm not, I wouldn't tell them about it because again, it's pointless. They don't care that you wish to shop elsewhere.

Oh, no! Isn't one thread with that topic enough without contaminating this thread, too? :(
Typical passive-aggressive snowflake response.
Whatever!!! Go get a clue.

If you don't want to believe me when I say I was just merely and casually using that as an example, that's your problem, pal.

But then everyone here has seen your postings and know exactly what to expect from you.

Yep, just like they've seen yours. You really gonna start this crap again??

Again you may have the last word since you have proven over and over that you absolutely have to have the last word.
What, a little sore because you got this thread closed before you had a chance to leave the last word in it??....lol.


Besides, what's all this talk about last word BS anyway? As I said, if you can't accept what I said as being strictly an example then you clearly have some issues and seriously need to have yourself checked.

But in all honesty, it sure seems like a strong sign to me that you needed the last word so badly that you resorted to doing it here.

Have a nice day.

Oh, no! Isn't one thread with that topic enough without contaminating this thread, too? :(

Well, thank you Reba, but just like I just got done telling mister antagonist, aka, bikenut, what I said was just simply an example. Anybody wants to make anything more out of it than that is clearly on them.

But it's funny how you only quoted my post for your reply, and not Bikenut's post that had the word TROLL written all over it.

Besides, this thread got derailed long time ago when people started talking about ignore lists so tell me more about this thread contamination you speak of??
Passive-aggressive people normally do NOT carry guns.

Normally they hate guns.

I would doubt seriously that anyone in this forum who actually carries is passive aggressive.

Active-aggressive is more likely.
Well, thank you reba, but just like I just got done telling mister antagonist, bikenut, what I said was just simply an example. Anybody wants to make anything more out of it than that is clearly on them.

Besides, this thread got derailed long time again when people started talking about ignore lists.

It's too bad that you two have gotten into a major pissing contest.

I have gone back and tried to figure out why but I cannot.

Other than enjoying arguing and making insults I cannot see any point to the back-and-forth.
It's too bad that you two have gotten into a major pissing contest.
Yeah, tell me about it. I musta really peed in Wheaties in that other thread really bad enough for him to come hear completely out of the blue and attack one of my comments.

I have gone back and tried to figure out why but I cannot.
Well, some people just love to argue.

Other than enjoying arguing and making insults I cannot see any point to the back-and-forth.

Yeah, well. I dunno.
If you are being stalked the best thing is put the stalker onto your ignore list.

I use the ignore list for anyone who is obnoxiously verbose and keeps repeating themselves in spite of the best evidence and logic I can give to the contrary.

The worst thing you can do is feed the troll.

I think you are feeding the troll right now.
If you are being stalked the best thing is put the stalker onto your ignore list.
Stalked? Lol. I hardly view it as being staked. Matter of fact I think it's kinda comical the replies some people post.

I use the ignore list for anyone who is obnoxiously verbose and keeps repeating themselves in spite of the best evidence and logic I can give to the contrary.
I'm gonna pee in those Wheaties again of a specific member but just like with my example of putting gun free zones on ignore, people here don't care if you put a block on them. Besides... That little "Show Spoiler" button kinda makes ignoring someone redundant.

The worst thing you can do is feed the troll.
Maybe sometimes.

I think you are feeding the troll right now.
No. Regular bullets. Go with jacketed hollow points (JHP), they expand on impact and you won't have to worry about a bullet going through the person who's caused you to shoot them and injure someone else.

If you pull that trigger, you've decided that your life or someone else's life was in danger or serious bodily harm - and that lethal force was necessary. Using non-lethal rounds will give the prosecution all they need to make a case against you because you used non-lethal rounds so deadly force wasn't needed.
No. Regular bullets. Go with jacketed hollow points (JHP), they expand on impact and you won't have to worry about a bullet going through the person who's caused you to shoot them and injure someone else.

If you pull that trigger, you've decided that your life or someone else's life was in danger or serious bodily harm - and that lethal force was necessary. Using non-lethal rounds will give the prosecution all they need to make a case against you because you used non-lethal rounds so deadly force wasn't needed.

Over penetration is not the problem, it's actual marksmanship.

"New York City police officers fire their weapons far less often than they did a decade ago, a statistic that has dropped along with the crime rate. But when they do fire, even at an armed suspect, there is often no one returning fire at the officers. Officers hit their targets roughly 34 percent of the time."

So... where do all those rounds go? Do they NOT kill someone just because they missed their target?
Did it make anyone "safer" because JHP ammo was used?

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