LEOs carrying concealed and drinking in a bar in Michigan.

first thing is you apparently know little about city government. any complaint made annonomous is not a valid complaint.

Well congratulations, Sherlock Home-body. So it's a TIP. So what, they still investigate it.

that could just be viewed as someone in which they wrote a ticket trying to return the favor. all the compalints that have been made on our department in confidence, we have been able to find out where it came from in less than 2 shifts. they can do the same i assure you.

Please-- another internet CIA-agent. Sorry, but that's crap. So tell us, what department is this you're talking about? The public wouldn't take too kindly to anonymous tips being traced, and citizen-whistleblowers identified and targeted by secret police.

second there is no need for name calling!
Calling you liar isn't name-calling, it's simply an accurate designation.

besides this thread is basically over the poster who was asking for advice has'nt chimed in for some time

This applies to EVERYONE.
I am so sorry i misjudged you when i said you apparently have a problem with LEO's. My new assessment is you apparently dont like anyone, not even YOURSELF! all i see in all the posts you have chimed in on is stir up hate and discontent. SH!t stirring. there is no need for me to chat with you any futher your one of those people who will exhale his last breath trying to get in the last word. good day Brat Anderson
I have a question kinda on/off topic..A New Jersey LEO can they carry out of the state? or are they limited to the permit statues? like civilians.
Here in the Panhandle it is against PD's policy to even visit a local bar if you are off duty LEO. If you wanna go out drinking at the bar, you are required to go to a neighboring city. They don't want their officers mingling with the crowds they have to patrol/enforce 12 hours later. Showing up in half uniform and wearing what I would presume is a duty weapon would be an immediate suspension without pay and pending investigation. Showing the badge at the door would accomplish the same thing.
In oklahoma you can't carry off duty in a place where alcohol is served but you can on duty, when you should not be drinking.
I am so sorry i misjudged you when i said you apparently have a problem with LEO's. My new assessment is you apparently dont like anyone, not even YOURSELF! all i see in all the posts you have chimed in on is stir up hate and discontent. SH!t stirring. there is no need for me to chat with you any futher your one of those people who will exhale his last breath trying to get in the last word. good day Brat Anderson

Well, didn't take long to find out we our internet "cop" is really a crybaby-brat who bawls at the slightest loud noise-- like most of them.
Quit snivelling and grow a pair.
Here in the Panhandle it is against PD's policy to even visit a local bar if you are off duty LEO. If you wanna go out drinking at the bar, you are required to go to a neighboring city. They don't want their officers mingling with the crowds they have to patrol/enforce 12 hours later. Showing up in half uniform and wearing what I would presume is a duty weapon would be an immediate suspension without pay and pending investigation. Showing the badge at the door would accomplish the same thing.

That's a good policy, but rare: the rest of Florida is more like in "Porky's--" i.e. where the sheriff's brother is the county pimp.

I've had friends in that area with similar experiences-- one in Citrus County who got arrested and put in prison because of a trumped-up fraud-charge over an innocently bounced $75 check, and she was forced to plead it down to a $400 fine or risk a 2-year sentence from a hanging-judge. Their FBI's no better.

Quite a racket they got down there.... and one of the reasons I decided to become a lawyer.

Gun control: Forcing a 95lb woman to fist fight a 300lb rapist

More like fighting a war by requiring passports.
When I carry, the law states clearly that any drinking on my part is illegal. Is there an exemption for LEOs when they carry?

Actually in Michigan you can drink and carry concealed (I don't recommend it) as the limit is 0.02 Bac.

MSP - Carrying Under the Influence

Carrying Under the Influence

1. An individual licensed to carry a concealed pistol shall not possess a concealed pistol on their person or motor vehicle while they have any bodily alcohol content (.02 bodily alcohol content [BAC] or above) or a controlled substance.*

2. Acceptance of a CCW license constitutes implied consent to submit to a chemical test for violations of this law.

3. A police officer who has probable cause to believe an individual is carrying a concealed pistol and has consumed alcohol may require a chemical test of breath, blood, or urine.

4. An individual carrying a concealed pistol with any BAC is subject to immediate seizure of their pistol and the following penalties:

* BAC of .02 - .07 = State civil infraction, $100 fine, and up to 1-year CCW license revocation.
* BAC of .08 - .09 = 93-day misdemeanor, $100 fine, and up to 3-year CCW license revocation.
* BAC of .10 or more = 93-day misdemeanor, $100 fine, and permanent CCW license revocation.

* This does not prohibit an individual licensed under this act to carry a concealed pistol who has any bodily alcohol content from transporting that pistol in the locked trunk of his or her motor vehicle or another motor vehicle in which he or she is a passenger or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, from transporting that pistol unloaded in a locked compartment or container that is separated from the ammunition for that pistol or on a vessel if the pistol is transported unloaded in a locked compartment or container that is separated from the ammunition for that pistol.
For other prohibitions against carrying a concealed weapon, see "Pistol Free Areas".
Actually in Michigan you can drink and carry concealed (I don't recommend it) as the limit is 0.02 Bac.

I blew a .028 after 1 beer back in the ol college dayz! :alcoholic:

Guess they're allotting for the possibility of having a drink with dinner or something? Although you'd probably blow a higher amount after just rinsing with some Listerine...

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