LEO off duty carry


New member
Iam from Omaha ,ne does anybody know what the law is concerning if an LEO
can carry in a prohibited place while off duty or do they have to follow the same rules I do when carrying concealed
Don't know about Omaha per say but most departments consider LEO's on duty 24/7 in reguard to their carry of firearms an most places that are off limits for others do not apply to them.
Certainly Department Policy would prevail here as a condition of employment.
Not all Departments encourage off duty carry if you can believe that! :eek:
In an LEO's home jurisdiction, I"m pretty sure they could carry in places that are off limits to others. Outside of their home jurisdiction, they are treated as civilians and can be prosecuted for carrying in places that are off limits. Not sure how that would work in places where handguns are banned such as Chicago and D.C. where, due to handguns being banned, there are probably no laws on where guns can or can't be carried.
I can't remember the exact details, but there is something in TN law that LEO's must have permission to carry on school property. I am not sure about the other prohibited places.
I don't know about Omaha but in Spokane they have to pretty much follow the same rules when off duty. The reason I say that is there was a off duty SPD involved in a shooting outside a downtown bar last year about this time. The officer came out after having a few in time to see someone starting up his truck and he pulled his piece and let loose. He didn't kill him but he gave the perp a head wound. The LEO was terminated due to the incident. One of the points made was it was unlawful for him to be carrying in such an establishment as a patron of that establishment. If he was on duty and was required to enter in the course of his duties it would have been fine.
Dr David,

I just looked over tn law. their peace officers are 24/7. it says if they are off duty and on school property, they must notify the Principal that they are there and have a weapon on them.
All U.S. LEOs' can carry concealed handguns nationwide

HR 218 covers all sworn LEOs' to carry their personal or department handguns nationwide 24/7. The only restrictions are in Federally controlled areas, such as military bases, on airplanes, and in other federal facilities.
I lived in Omaha for many years, and have always been of the opinion, (and I may be wrong) that a LEO was automatically authorized to carry 24/7, and was more or less expected to do same.
In an LEO's home jurisdiction, I"m pretty sure they could carry in places that are off limits to others. Outside of their home jurisdiction, they are treated as civilians and can be prosecuted for carrying in places that are off limits. Not sure how that would work in places where handguns are banned such as Chicago and D.C. where, due to handguns being banned, there are probably no laws on where guns can or can't be carried.

I can carry in DC, Chicago, NY, NJ, and every other state. And 218 pretty much trumps most other rules.