legal to have firearms on school property


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If I read this correctly it sounds as if as long as the firearm is unloaded and lock up it is 100% legal to have a firearm on school property. 18.2-308 is the Virginia code making it illegal to possess a firearm on school property

See exception (VI)

The exemptions set out in 18.2-308 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to theprovisions of this section. The provisions of this section shall not apply to(i) persons who possess such weapon or weapons as a part of the school'scurriculum or activities; (ii) a person possessing a knife customarily usedfor food preparation or service and using it for such purpose; (iii) personswho possess such weapon or weapons as a part of any program sponsored orfacilitated by either the school or any organization authorized by the schoolto conduct its programs either on or off the school premises; (iv) anylaw-enforcement officer; (v) any person who possesses a knife or blade whichhe uses customarily in his trade; (vi) a person who possesses an unloadedfirearm that is in a closed container, or a knife having a metal blade, in orupon a motor vehicle, or an unloaded shotgun or rifle in a firearms rack inor upon a motor vehicle; or (vii) a person who has a valid concealed handgunpermit and possesses a concealed handgun while in a motor vehicle in aparking lot, traffic circle, or other means of vehicular ingress or egress tothe school.

Anyone else read it that way?

Anyone else read it that way?

Yes that is what it says. Why? Keep in mind that the school may have further restrictive policies regarding students possessing firearms on school property.

In Washington, if you have a CPL, while picking up or dropping off any student you can carry your gun fully loaded as you normally would anywhere else on school property all the way up to the door of the school building. I've open carried lots of times inside and outside a vehicle on school grounds picking up my step daughter.
The reason I ask is I attend a trade school that uses a high school building at night in a pretty crappy neighborhood. I always have my firearm on me but if I can't leave it in the car at school I would have to leave it home 2 days a week because I have to go to school right after work. I work in an even crappier part of town so I really don't want to leave it home those 2 days, I also don't want to break the law.
In Oregon it's legal to conceal carry into the school. The scool might not like it but it's leagal. But then it's concealed, don't ask don't tell.
It not only says unloaded and in a "closed container", it also says "in or upon a motor vehicle". Sounds like the normal "parking lot" rule many states have.
The reason I ask is I attend a trade school that uses a high school building at night in a pretty crappy neighborhood. I always have my firearm on me but if I can't leave it in the car at school I would have to leave it home 2 days a week because I have to go to school right after work. I work in an even crappier part of town so I really don't want to leave it home those 2 days, I also don't want to break the law.

That's the part that always gets me most about those blanket gun bans. Alright, you don't want me to carry in the school, but if you don't allow it on your parking lot what am I supposed to do with it. Hide it in a bush at the property line? Get real.
Isn't this superseded by the federal law that is insanely more restrictive?

No. There are exceptions in the Federal law both for guns that are unloaded and in locked cases and for guns carried by persons who possess carry permits issued by the same state the school zone is located in.
Our Governor recently signed into law Mississippi bill 506. If you have a valid CCP you can then take an eight hour course and recieve an endorsement on your permit allowing you to carry your pistol anywhere you go including schools. The only exceptions are police stations, detention facilities and courtrooms while court is in session. I hope he runs for re election as I will definitely vote for him again. He also signed the law that now allows any person that legally owns a firearm to carry it in his/her vehicle fully loaded without a permit. Our vehicles are now extensions of our home, according to state law, and you have the same rights to defend them.
In Okla, you can have a firearm in the vehicle on school property. No carry into school tho.

I would like to see Mississippi's 506 work here.

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