Leather, plastic, nylon, or other?

What is your holster preference?

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Thank God I'm alive!
Basically, I'm just curious as to what everyone's holster preferences are. Also, what is your carry method: OWB, IWB, Smartcarry/Thunderwear, ankle, small of back, pocket, or other?

In the summertime, my carry preference is IWB, with an Uncle Mike's sidekick (made of nylon) size 16; when my Hi Point C9 was my primary duty and carry weapon (I work as a security guard), this was my duty holster. When I purchased my Glock 22, I discovered that it was an excellent IWB holster and have been using it that way for the Glock ever since.

During the cooler months of the year, I prefer OWB; when I was carrying the Hi Point, even though my holster options were limited, I was able to find a Fobus paddle holster made specifically for it. This winter, I'll be looking for a Serpa for my Glock.
My priimary carry right now is a C-Tac, but I just ordered a Crossbreed Super Tuck. I have several Kydex paddles for different firearms. I also have Don Hume leather slide and a leather IWB.

Overall, I prefer the Kydex and IWB.
OWB, leather. Strong side, sometimes cross draw. In cooler weather I will often carry in a leather Vest by Coronodo Leather. These are my preferences. In the heat of summer sometimes I am forced to go to a fanny pack.
Carry rigs vary from big ol' cartridge belts with holsters, thru regular belt holsters, yaqui slides, JIT slides, ITB rigs, jackass shoulder holsters, custom mades, home mades, etc., etc. Big preference for leather. I like it functional, tough, fast, and safe. I've spent a fortune over the years trying to find "the rig" only to discover that it doesn't exist. Slow learner I guess. Different outfits for different occasions. I've found out what works for me and appreciate the accomplishment. So do holster makers all over the damn country!
I use a Blade-Tech for training only, for carry its IWB Leather! God made not man made... it molds to you and the weapon.
I use a Blade-Tech for training only, for carry its IWB Leather! God made not man made... it molds to you and the weapon.

In defense of kydex, it is already premolded to the weapon and doesn't require any breaking in like leather does.
I use Kydex for most applications, but do own a couple of leather holsters in horse hide, cow hide and exotic leathers. I recently ordered a Milt Sparks holster due to recommndeations from several buddies who have one and swear by it. My main reason for liking the Kydex holsers is that I'm often in a hot and humid environment, and have gone into the water on more than one occasion with my firearms.

We'll see how the Milt Sparks holster feels when it arrives.

I use Kydex for most applications, but do own a couple of leather holsters in horse hide, cow hide and exotic leathers. I recently ordered a Milt Sparks holster due to recommndeations from several buddies who have one and swear by it. My main reason for liking the Kydex holsers is that I'm often in a hot and humid environment, and have gone into the water on more than one occasion with my firearms.

We'll see how the Milt Sparks holster feels when it arrives.


Aren't you breaking the law going all these places in PRHI? Or are you a LEO? Just don't want you to get in trouble, that's all.
I DO NOT carry here in Hawaii. It's illegal to carry without a permit. I only carry where I'm LEGALLY allowed to do so. That means that in most states I travel to while on the road. I've gone into the water in FL and NC with my firearms.

I comply with the law to the best of my ablility where ever I go. I do my research before traveling to avoid breaking any laws and having to explain my non-compliance to a LEO.


I DO NOT carry here in Hawaii. It's illegal to carry without a permit. I only carry where I'm LEGALLY allowed to do so. That means that in most states I travel to while on the road. I've gone into the water in FL and NC with my firearms.

I comply with the law to the best of my ablility where ever I go. I do my research before traveling to avoid breaking any laws and having to explain my non-compliance to a LEO.



Thanks for clarifying that for me.
Although I have most all of them and use them depending on the weapon and the circumstance, what I use most is a pocket holster.

As it is usually hot most of the time shorts and light shirt are the normal dress and I happen to like my shirt tucked, so although I have a nice tuckable IWB for my PM-9 it is still not comfortable a lot of the time. I generally settle for the compromise of a Keltec P-3AT in the right front pocket.

Using the GURU pocket holseter with the wallet backer is great holster. Carried with the holster inward and the wallet backer outward there is no chance of printing, and you can even slide you hand between the backer and over the gun and it is totally indecernible from the outside. It has been a good feeling in some suspicious situations that I could actually have my weapon in my hand rather than thinking "if I have to draw".

If someone gets the drop on me in a robbery I can even delay him by saying look, I am just getting my wallet and showing him the print of my "wallet" through my pants pocket, then slowly place my hand into my pocket to retreive the wallet which he can clearly see.

Of course the final motion is a quick withdrawal, point and fire a move I have practiced often.

I now generally pocket carry the 3AT even when I am carrying a larger weapon just for backup and this very scenerio.

I do have the same holster for my PM-9 but it is just a bit large for most pockets and can sightly impede the draw speed.
I like the Kydex, but I have leather and nylon as well, depends on the situation - I even have some old GI belt hanger style for 1911 and Walthers that I use from time to time.
In defense of kydex, it is already premolded to the weapon and doesn't require any breaking in like leather does.

Yeah but getting that Kydex to mold you you is a real bi**h!
I've yet to find a kydex holster that hugs close enough to the body for my taste. They all seem to stand off the belt too much. I don't CARRY a handgun so much as WEAR it. I want to be comfortable doing it. So far, kydex just hasn't worked for me.
Yeah but getting that Kydex to mold you you is a real bi**h!

I suppose that it all depends on what your holster preferences are. As for me, molding to my body isn't as important as holding the gun securely is. I only wear kydex during the colder months under a jacket and it works quite well for me and my tastes.
Should have been a multiple choice as none of them are my favorite..I use most of them and dislike nylon
Like most people that have carried for awile I have a box full of them. Now if it went to open carry it would be a neat leather rig made by Andrews leather with a hog leg.
Since you don't have a favorite, can you at least that there is one type that you use more frequently than others?
Nope..depends on my mood and dress..one day I will start out OWB then by afternoon I may opt for IWB..usually leather...it changes everyday..no favorite, they all work for me