Leather belts, anyone?

mot mayhem

New member
For anyone near the Cleveland area...... or Middlefield to be exact, and are looking for nice, quality belts I have found the place. I live in a rural, fairly large Amish community. There is a leather craftsman around the corner of me that does WONDERFUL work.

I got tired of my POS 511 belt. It was cheaply made. The plastic liner broke after only 2 years. I went and spoke with Eli and asked him about a thick belt. He said he could make me one out of the thicker bridle leather. I had him make me 2. 1 black, 1 brown. They are very nice, very sturdy, and will last a LOT longer than the 511. AND, the price was only $20.00 per belt out the door.

Eli Miller is on the NW corner of State Routes 534 & 87. He is right next to the Mesopotamia Post Office. If you are ever just East of Middlefield, it's worth a checkout. Just thought I'd let you all know.
Well I know a phone number is probably out of the question... But if he has an address where I could send a money order, I would love to get a good quality belt from Eli. I live in Ohio as well.
My bad. Sorry. I should have thought of that.

Eli Miller's Harness Shop
8719 St Route 534
P.O. Box 230
Mesopotamia, OH 44439

I'll stop by on my way home in the morning from work. I will tell him he may be expecting some mail orders. I know he ships all throughout the country. He is known pretty well throughout the U.S. for his work, actually.