Learning about the Law - The Ayoob Files


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Hey folks, Luke granted my request to start this forum category. There's always much talk about tactics, terminal ballistics and which gun to use, and I think that discussion of Deadly Force Law often gets short shrift. I know we've already got forum members with knowledge and good legal sense, so let's pool our knowledge.

One of the best resources I've found on Deadly Force Law is from Massad Ayoob, an ex-LEO, trainer, and columnist for American Handgunner. Some of you may have read his book "In the Gravest Extreme".

I'm linking a few of his free articles that are linked at findarticles.com, that illustrate important aspects of the law. Enjoy, these are great and well-written stories.

Ladies and Gents, without further ado, I give you The Ayoob Files:

Wrong weapon: the Der/Kifer incident
Situation: The intruder snarls, "I'm going to kill you." Believing you and your partner are going to be shot, you perform the indicated response. Next thing you know, you're on trial for Murder.

Popping Bubblegum: a case study of the retreat requirement
Situation: The rapist who threatened to kill you is reaching and your only defense is an illegal gun. You shoot and are convicted of Manslaughter.

Furtive movement shooting: the Robert Bauthues case
Situation: The man peering into your window is fully masked and dressed like a ninja. You confront him and he spins toward you with his hand rising as if to shoot.

Sudden assault: the Plana/Ibarra shooting
Situation: A landlord/tenant dispute turns deadly when the tenant discovers he's brought a club to a gunfight.
Thanks for those!

I already read through the first one - gonna read all of them in the next day or so. Its pretty painful to to have to learn from your own mistakes (don't I know it) - when you have the opportunity learn from the mistakes of others, you're alot better off.
Thanks for the info. I'll need to go though those for sure. I may put them on my site so you don't have to deal with the popup ads.
Thanks for the links. I always enjoy soaking up information and tips from Ayoob, whether in his books or on Personal Defense TV. These are full of more things to think about.
I've been readin Mas since I started carrying a gun.

That was 20+ years ago. His colums in "American Handgunner" and "Combat Handguns" are not to be missed IMHO. I've learned a lot by reading his work and hope to take LFI one day in the next couple of years. I was scheduled to take LFI1 last year, but had to cancel because of work.

The more I learn the more I realize I don't know. He's a good one at teaching me what I don't know.


I've been readin Mas since I started carrying a gun.

That was 20+ years ago. His colums in "American Handgunner" and "Combat Handguns" are not to be missed IMHO. I've learned a lot by reading his work and hope to take LFI one day in the next couple of years. I was scheduled to take LFI1 last year, but had to cancel because of work.

The more I learn the more I realize I don't know. He's a good one at teaching me what I don't know.


Check out Backwoods Home Magazine also. I think he still writes for them too.

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