Lead Ammunition in Jeopardy in Washington State!

Lead Ammunition in Jeopardy in Washington State!
Please Stand-Up and Make Your Voice Heard!

The lead ammunition you use for hunting as well as target and competitive shooting will be banned from purchase, use and ownership in the state of Washington if the state's Department of Ecology has its way. Lead ammunition is a target of a series of recommendations in the "Lead Chemical Action Plan" prepared by the Department of Ecology.

The plan is open for public comment until Monday, October 6. The plan and information about submitting comments are available at: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/swfa/pbt/leadcap/.

Lead shot has been banned in waterfowl hunting. Most recently, California passed a law that prohibits hunters from using lead ammunition in areas within the range of the California condor. A symposium was held in June in Boise, Idaho about the effects of lead ammunition on wildlife and humans. Most of the speakers supported a ban on lead ammunition, regardless of the cost, performance, and availability of substitutes. The Department of Ecology plan is yet another effort to remove lead ammunition nationwide.

Please take the time to submit comments to the Department of Ecology and to Governor Chris Gregoire (D). Let the Governor know that there is no adequate substitute for lead ammunition and that any affects on humans and wildlife do not justify a ban as recommended by her Department of Ecology. Governor Gregoire can be reached by phone at (360) 902-4111, by fax at (360) 753-4110, or click here to send email. The Governor can also be reached by U.S. Mail at: Governor Chris Gregoire, Office of the Governor, P.O. Box 40002, Olympia, WA 98504-0002.
Hey DW,
Would you mind slapping that up on the WA state sub-group please? First I have heard about it and I will make my point thru that link. Like WTfrigg do we get to shoot, DU rounds with U238 toxic 1/2 life 4.5 billion years?
If that law passes I will have to trash lot$$$$ of my stock.
Pisses me off, they want to ban lead shot yet in the Spokane river the fish have more mercury in them than a thermometer, arsenic and cyanide, no local will eat anything that comes out of that cess-pit of disgrace, all by products of aggressive mining/refining in N. Idaho that they don't clean up JACK B 4 it hits a river now green and no swimming posted as it's toxic to humans flowing thru my little bit of heaven on earth.
Maybe they need to stop the military from all the hundreds of tons of DU and way-toxic waste that has gone down-range in Yakima Firing Center, nice aquifer that feeds all those apples they grow in Yakima city/area that glow in the frigging dark! :bad:
Patty Murray expect an e-mail.

It's time for the gun rights activists in Washington to come out of the woodworks and oppose this with everything they have. In the meantime, gun owners need to stock up on ammo and save all their brass and start handloading.
Hey DW,
Would you mind slapping that up on the WA state sub-group please? First I have heard about it and I will make my point thru that link. Like WTfrigg do we get to shoot, DU rounds with U238 toxic 1/2 life 4.5 billion years?
If that law passes I will have to trash lot$$$$ of my stock.
Pisses me off, they want to ban lead shot yet in the Spokane river the fish have more mercury in them than a thermometer, arsenic and cyanide, no local will eat anything that comes out of that cess-pit of disgrace, all by products of aggressive mining/refining in N. Idaho that they don't clean up JACK B 4 it hits a river now green and no swimming posted as it's toxic to humans flowing thru my little bit of heaven on earth.
Maybe they need to stop the military from all the hundreds of tons of DU and way-toxic waste that has gone down-range in Yakima Firing Center, nice aquifer that feeds all those apples they grow in Yakima city/area that glow in the frigging dark! :bad:
Patty Murray expect an e-mail.


Canis you pretty much said it.
Taking the lead scare out of disarming the public.

OK. Kalifornia under it's transparent anti-2nd mentality has made lead shot in rifles and pistols illegal using the Department of Ecology (tree-hugging greens) to NOT take away your guns but make your ammo illegal. Thank God I left that state and it's anti-2nd laws far behind me, but it seems to be catching on as a way to let you keep your guns but make what U shoot through them a crime, and it's the sportsmen as well as LEO's, security and the armed citizen whose only concern is self-defense who will have to find an alternative to lead, I did they are called BARNES BULLETS and here are the links I thought may be handy:
Pistol rounds: Link Removed
Rifle rounds: Link Removed
Of interest to LEO's or 5.56 AR-15 users this 'Green Bullet' shows promise:
Link Removed
"Barnes now offers two all-new bullets featuring Multi-Purpose Green (MPG™) technology developed for military and law enforcement applications. MPG bullets feature a highly frangible, powdered-metal copper-tin core inside a guilding metal jacket.
Unlike frangible bullets lacking a protective jacket, MPG bullets remain intact under the rigors of handling, feeding and firing. This eliminates the primary cause of jammed actions and plugged barrels often experienced when firing frangible ammunition in autoloading rifles. The 55-grain 5.56mm (.224) MPG bullet is designed for M4, HK416 and AR-15 type autoloaders and other firearms with rifling twist rates of 1:9” or faster. A 140-grain 7.62mm (.308) version is available for AR-10, SR-25, M40 (Remington 700) and M14 rifles with 1:12” or faster rifling twists. These open-tip bullets remain intact at ultra-high velocities and extreme rates of spin. On impact, they deliver explosive fragmentation.
Barnes’ Multi-Purpose Green bullets are exceptionally accurate. They’re ideal for shooting steel targets, competition, plinking, varmint hunting and home defense. “Green” is military shorthand for “lead-free”—a requirement in military and LE practice environments."
So by banning lead we may have to spend slightly more per round, but the sheer kinetic force @ the point of entry linked with explosive fragmentation makes that round a take down hit that few surgeons could patch up, in essence banning lead makes the shooter buy MUCH more lethal rounds which when it comes to many laws that state 'Minimal force to stop the BG is lawful' is out of the window, one shot from one of these and BG-bits all over the place. The criminals may be a little more concerned about surviving to mug/rape or harm you again. I may never fire another HP again!
Per the web-site the bullets are:
"The Triple-Shock was introduced in 2003 and has become Barnes’ most popular hunting bullet. The Triple-Shock has gained worldwide recognition as one of the deadliest, most dependable bullets you can buy. Try these all-copper bullets and see the added benefits of lower fouling, better accuracy, greater velocity and lower pressure."
They offer a free DVD here: Link Removed
A catalog is here for downloading with Adobe PDF:
Link Removed
A list of authorized dealers can be found here by state:
Link Removed (SPOKANE has one!)
For you in Kalifornia, (move like I did, or stay put) this link is FYI:
Link Removed
Final thing that blew me away is when I moved to 'buy' I was led to this page looking at 9mm boxes of 20 rds @ under $20 a box:
Link Removed
At just under a buck a bullet I can trash-can my TOXIC lead stash and buy all I need in every caliber I want online.
This may also be of use I found under their 'Privacy Statement & Agreement' section, a point of contact in the U.S.A. with a toll-free number.
Contact information:
Barnes Bullets, Inc.
PO Box 215
American Fork, Utah 84003
Phone: (801) 756-4222
Fax: (801) 756-2465
[email protected]
So let them try to take my 2nd away, sorry it ain't happening, because when I'm packing I will be locked and loaded with pure copper rounds that fit my needs and keep me legal.
For the non-reloaders like me this is the work-around I wanted if my state goes non-lead.
Yes Luke, I know I am not supposed to advertise on USA Carry, but I am following a thread which makes the hundreds of dollars of ammo I already own useless if my state follows Kalifornia and WA is next I think, if U multiply that by the patrons you have that's a LOT of wasted ammo/cash but hope that with a move up to copper rounds legal the law passes and we still stay armed. So I went surfing and found this as a legal albeit slightly more expensive alternative to off-the-shelf at the local range Federals or COR©BON's to make sure that no cop or law is going to take away my guns or the legal copper rounds I choose to fire through them when I get my basic load, faster than lead, a lot more damage when it hits and hug-a-tree ecofriendly :kiss3: Adapt, overcome, change with the times and keep your 2nd.
The only wanton part of this company is I could not find any mention of lead free ammo for shot-guns, but if or when I do I will post it to this thread.
Now one thing I ask from USA Carry patrons is if you have used this ammo before please post a short report on how well or poorly the round performed, I think USA Carry would value your feed-back before we all stock-up on lemons. I did some surfing and got user feed-back from 'horrible' to 'best round going', more pros than cons and 2 hours of wading thru blogs about this ammo in Google :wacko:
Final word, please check the state you live in to ensure it's not on their no-ship zone, if it is then their rounds are probably not legal there, but call to find out... it's free!
End of report on 'alternative ammunition' for a lead-free armed citizen,

Canis-Lupus :cool:
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